Would like to work in TX



My bother has recently graduated and passed NLE in the Philippines. He plans to work in Houston, TX (God willing) but is confused of what steps to follow. TX only requires CES-Full, IELTS and NCLEX. TX BON's website indicates a 2yr work experience or 4yrs of FEN (??) before a license is given??? (very vague). Evidently he does not have any experience so far. Other suggested to process the CES, review IETLS and take NCLEX all together and find an employer ASAP. Is it safer and wise to do that?... We are so confuse..

Thanks guys in advance,


hi I am new here, i just want to ask if anyone here knows if there still a chance for Filipino nurses like me to work at any part of the US as a nurse or as a caregiver? I am a NCLEX certified and my IELTS was already expired last april, I only have volunteer experience here in the Philippines for almost one year, pls i need your advices plssss..

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
hi I am new here, i just want to ask if anyone here knows if there still a chance for Filipino nurses like me to work at any part of the US as a nurse or as a caregiver? I am a NCLEX certified and my IELTS was already expired last april, I only have volunteer experience here in the Philippines for almost one year, pls i need your advices plssss..


Where are you now and if in the US what visa do you have?

I am still here at the Philippines right now and I am really seeking for advice on how can I work abroad specifically in the US or even in Canada, right now I am still confuse on the things that I really need to prioritize , because some people say that it is really much wiser now to take an application for immigrant visa bound to Canada and work there rather wasting our time applying in the US, is it true? thank you..

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

The US is under retrogression so you are looking at several years wait for a immigrant visa. Also due to the long wait finding a employer will be hard especially when US nurses already in the US are struggling to find work. There is no visa for care worker so that would be a no go from the start

Canada is a large place so a lot will depend on the province you wish to live and work. Nursing jobs may or may-not be hard to find as again will depend on the province

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Also no matter whether you choose Canada or the US you will need to update your English exam as both require it

so i guess it would be a yes for Canada right? If that's the case then do you have any idea on how can I apply for immigrant visa for Canada? because there's a lot of agencies right now especially here in our country "Philippines" that is offering a good service for consultation and I am quite frighten and doubt if those agencies really keep their promise. Can you recommend or suggest any agencies that can help me? thank you very much for your time...godbless! :)

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
so i guess it would be a yes for Canada right? If that's the case then do you have any idea on how can I apply for immigrant visa for Canada? because there's a lot of agencies right now especially here in our country "Philippines" that is offering a good service for consultation and I am quite frighten and doubt if those agencies really keep their promise. Can you recommend or suggest any agencies that can help me? thank you very much for your time...godbless! :)

Discussing Canada in this thread is off topic to the thread. There are several threads discussing Canada so suggest you start there and then is still unsure post a new thread asking your questions

sorry for that, thank you!


Pls im in texas and want to apply for the nclex exam. how can i find schools that offer these FENS refresher courses. I tried using google but no success

hello i also have the same problem i graduated last april 2010 and havent had any working experience ever since after grad...so im looking for where i can conduct this FENS course can anyone enlighten us...im an immigrant in the US and my flight is around august or September this year... will not having the 2yr working experience not allow me to file my application and such?

hello prexzone,

i know this is outdated post..but if ever you open this..i have a question did you find a school for your refresher course? thanks Iim also here in texas and planning to take the NCLEX.

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