Published Apr 30, 2011
11 Posts
I'm hoping that someone may be able to help me with their experiences in nursing. I am currently working in the business world and plan on making a career change to nursing. Is it worth doing the LPN in Richmond, VA and how hard is it to find a job as an LPN in Richmond? Any comments on salary for LPNs?
I know that the wait is ridiculously long for most RN programs in the area, and need to weigh making a more immediate change and trying to go for the LPN or if I should trudge along in the job I hate, and work towards getting accepted in the RN program down the road.
Any advice or info is very much appreciated!
Chin up
694 Posts
I am an LPN, have been for 26 years, loved it. Having said that, go for your RN. Just do it. You won't be sorry and the wait will be worth it. Peace!
3 Posts
I moved to Richmond, and the same day I got off the train I went to an agency and was hired, that being said, I had difficulty finding a permanent job with benefits and an agency that did not pay 1099. The economy is not as great now as it was then, so the pay may not be what it used to be, most agencies that I worked for payed up to $27 based on exp.& shift diff., I would suggest if it is at all possible to do so, get your R.N. I wish that I had done so. Good luck in all your endeavors:)
250 Posts
I was a LPN. I am now a RN. I say do what is in your heart. Also, there is plenty to read on this site as to what is going on in the nursing world. Good luck with your choice.
1,341 Posts
Where I live and from what I have heard....LPN's are going the way of the dodo extinct....
The only reason people do LPN programs in my area is because the LPN-RN transition program is a wait list....the straight RN program is based on GPA....nuff said. At my school if you dont have about a 3.85 for prereqs you aint gettin in.....
now, if your local RN programs have huge wait times, me as a hypothetical hiring manager would really appreciate you making use of your time by doing an LPN program while you waited....
I think its just very situational...heck I know many hospitals that dont even talk to folks now unless they have a BSN.....
56 Posts
Im from rural TN and have never had any trouble finding a lpn job. Also , I lived near seattle and had 4 interviews within a month of moving there. I say go for it.
Thank you all very much, the input has been very helpful. While I felt like I might be a competitive candidate for the RN (3.781 GPA and scoring in the 80s on the Kaplan practice tests), it sounds like I might not make it in on the first try. I've got to make very informed decisions (husband and 7 mos old at home) and don't foresee I'll be able wait upwards of 18 months/2 years to get in the RN progam.
Again, thanks to everyone for replies, and anyone else who has any words of wisdom, please reply also, as I don't know many people in the nursing field, especially in Richmond, VA.