Published Apr 22, 2008
166 Posts
Agency work seems so inviting, work when you want, great pay. BUT you work as a contractor i.e. no taxes taken out but you get paid at the end of the shift.
Any thoughts good or bad about this time of employment/work. Pitfalls etc.
Thanks, I am just a newbie thinking about stepping into the pond.
husker_rn, RN
417 Posts
The agencies I've worked for DO take out taxes; liability well, I am responsible for my actions and carry insurance.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
If you are really a newbie at long term care, I would not recomend doing agency AT ALL! Despite what some may lead you to believe, LTC is tough and very demanding with very little back up support to guide you (like you would find in the hospital w/ lots of staff & Dr's around). You would just be putting your shiny new license at a very big risk.
wearingmanyhats, RN
140 Posts
I LOVE working agency... have been an agency LPN for about 18 yrs. (and an LPN for 21) ---
My agencies (have worked for several) all took out all the taxes, and you got a check each week.
You do need to be confident in your abilities and assessments, and able to think on your feet.... one thing I realized quickly was that in general if you are looking for something.... clean is clean and dirty is dirty... usually works.
If I go somewhere that I have not worked before or not in awhile, I am quick to say "I haven't been here in awhile... if I look lost, please point me in the right direction, and if there is something I could or should be doing, please say so..."
Most places love seeing me, because they know I am a team player, and if you are a team player, you usually get that attitude right back, and most staff are eager to help/guide you because without you, they would be doing it all by themselves...