Published Jun 17, 2015
7 Posts
Is there anyone that works and attends school both full time? If so, have you been able to manage both?
91 Posts
While I was taking pre-req I worked full time as tech. By the time I finished my pre req I had two kids and was still working full time. When I got into nursing school I worked full time and went to school full time while still be a mom as much as possible. It wasn't easy I worked every weekend while I was in nursing school stayed up late to study and complete paperwork and wake up early to get kiddos ready and get to school early enough to study before class started. I had a very detailed scheduled that had everything from work, lecture, clinical, exams and papers due dates on.
589 Posts
I posted this a few months ago and got a ton of great feedback from nurses who worked during nursing school. It's pretty motivational if you know you'll have to work an go to school.
38,333 Posts
I did it. While it worked, it worked. But when things fell apart, they really fell apart. When you are burning the candle at both ends, it does not take much to rearrange your world. A car breakdown, even if you can afford the repairs, a serious illness, a death in your family may go so far as to end your school career. You have to take that risk when you embark upon doing too much. If you succeed, you have won. If you don't succeed, you may lose more than if you had never tried.
You have to take that risk when you embark upon doing too much. If you succeed, you have won. If you don't succeed, you may lose more than if you had never tried.
Although I agree with that statement, sometimes not working just isn't an option. With the right support and dedication, I feel that it is possible (setbacks included)!
NICUmiiki, DNP, NP
1,775 Posts
I went to school full time and worked full-time (36 hours) all throughout nursing school. I made it just fine. The lowest grade I made was a C in one class my first semester. Sometimes I didn't get enough sleep when I scheduled things weirdly. It helped to have a job that let us self-schedule. I did have to make my 36 hours a week, but I could schedule them in any way I wanted.
Thanks! I start next month, and though I wish I could get through school without working, I can't. So I wanted to hear some feedback from others,but your structured schedule sounds like something I should do. Thank you!
Thank you so much!!!!!
1 Post
I agree, it is doable. I ran a business, with a family all during prereqs and nursing school. value the weekends for study time though.
Good to hear!! Thank you:yes:
Thanks. I'm a single parent of 2 kids, I know it won't be easy..I just wanted to hear about the journeys others have gone through
Thanks for sharing. Will definitely check it out:up: