Published Aug 31, 2005
2,327 Posts
I just found out that my husband will have to be deployed to Baton Rouge to be part of the Hurricane relief effort, he could be gone for's never easy to get through school with kids etc. especially all alone without any help from husband or family. But at least I have a home to call home, and a school to go to unlike so many other people. I truly feel for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
I will keep you in my prayers, stpauligirl!!. :balloons:
:thankya: Thank you.
303 Posts
It is so sad to think of all of those people who are affected with the hurricane. You will get through it though!! It is hard feeling like you are a single parent.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I feel for you. My husband was on a business trip. I was late for my first two classes.
Just do what you have to do to carry on. We are fortunate.
89 Posts
Master schedule! Then......plan for the unexpected! That's how I function as a single parent of 2 daughters aged 9 and almost 8.
Hugs and Prayers to your family, and thank your husband for serving our country........its men and women like him that truly serve our country!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Bless his heart. At least you know he will be going there for a good cause. I too will keep you in my prayers and good luck. :)