Published Jun 6, 2012
Wolf at the Door, BSN
1,045 Posts
If you have one year of job experience, what feedback did you get from employers when trying to move to NYC for employment? Are hospital looking for more than one year or two years in NYC? Or should people still not even bother with NYC?
mystory, BSN, RN
177 Posts
Of course you should bother, if it is your dream then with a lot of patience, motivation, and persistence you can call the big apple home like so many of us have. It may take 6 months to a year, it took me that long to find work here and I have a few more years experience than you as well as my BSN. I finally got hired with HHC, the city hospital chain, but it took them several months from the time they interviewed me to the time I finally got that call from HR with the official offer. Don't get discouraged! Everyone recommends securing a job first before moving here..but it is a many employers won't bother with applicants who don't have a local address due to the surplus of applicants already in the city. So weigh the pros and cons very carefully. Good luck!
Thanks for the response I hope to hear from others. I just want to get a feel for the time frame which you provided thank you very much for that.
Don't worry I am not that dummy who will move without a job if I am not forced to move. I won't move anywhere without a job especially to up north with the higher cost of living. I know a little about how the game works, I will be using a local address of a friends and will also have a local phone number. I used a friends address in East Orange.
Proverbs 16:3
262 Posts
I actually have an address in NYC but I used my address down here because I go there few times and wanted to be able to get mail ASAP should they send me anything.
I spoke to an HR person at a hospital and they asked me when I plan on moving and how much notice I have to give. I gave them my fair answer.
I think you should still look. While some positions may ask for 3yrs or more of experience, some do ask for just 1yr and even some just state a BSN without any experience preference indicated. The problem is most employers don't have jobs listed. Either way, keep looking.
My roommate moved to NYC 2years ago and she had 5yrs experience in hopkins ER and still took her forever to find a job. Best wishes
OMG 5 years at the Hospital of all Hospitals and it still took her months. Hmm did she only have ER experience? I will get around to checking out some jobs.You know what right now I am thinking about just signing up for travel in that area and being satisfied with just that.
Nope, she also had her MSN and MPH but she was looking for regular RN position to get her feet wet and make contacts.
Anyway, besides travelling, you may want to consider agencies, too. I have a friend at one hospital in NY and he said his ER just hired 2 new people. The thing is that they're hiring via the agencies.
There are travel positions available in parts of NY.
4,133 Posts
I actually have an address in NYC but I used my address down here because I go there few times and wanted to be able to get mail ASAP should they send me anything. I spoke to an HR person at a hospital and they asked me when I plan on moving and how much notice I have to give. I gave them my fair answer. I think you should still look. While some positions may ask for 3yrs or more of experience, some do ask for just 1yr and even some just state a BSN without any experience preference indicated. The problem is most employers don't have jobs listed. Either way, keep looking.My roommate moved to NYC 2years ago and she had 5yrs experience in hopkins ER and still took her forever to find a job. Best wishes
To be fair two years ago Saint Vinny's was going through it's sad, slow and painful death,which was followed in short order by the rather quick closing of North General in Harlem. Lennox Hill was shopping itself around and only avoided the same fate by accepting the warm embrace of NS-LIJ (did they have a choice? *LOL*). So all and all it wasn't a great time to be a nurse hitting the NYC streets looking for work.
While things may *not* be *that* much better today some hiring is going on, you only have to look at the postings here for proof. Of that it does seem experienced nurses wth BSN degrees are having a slighly easier time.