Why is it ok to euthanize animals but not humans

Nurses General Nursing


I have been a nurse for three years and spent the first year and a half on a med-surg/oncology unit. All life is precious and valuable.

When there is an anminal suffering, in agonizing pain, nothing can be done, and the medications does not allow for comfort, why are pet owners given the opposition and made to feel bad if they allow there animal to suffer. Why are we allowed to end the suffering of our beloved animal but not a beloved family member.

Why are the humans that want to end their suffering not allowed and the doctors that want to help persecuted for helping. YES I KNOW IT IS A MORTAL SIN IN GOD'S EYES, so no I do not need or require a bible lesson.

But I am just curious what others think on this issue from a medical stand point. Am I totally wrong for feeling as I do. The first thing a vet says to a pet owner is "Is it right to allow him/her to suffer"

QUESTION: Why is it humane to euthanize a very sick animal but not allow the same choice for an A&Ox3 individual with a living will?

Specializes in Case Management, Home Health, UM.

Good question.

Many times, there is a third opiton - hospice care. Now the question is why are there no hospice care for animals?

Hmm ... interesting.

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

I totally support it if it is done with a qualified physician. But I asked myself this one day during a debate on the radio going home from work about it...would I assist???

My immediate answer was heck no! So I am still trying very hard to figure out why I would support it, if I would be unwilling to help! It is questions like these that really get you thinking, and for me...that makes me take a step back and look at myself...

So there is a question...if you were asked to assist by a qualified physician, and it was all legal and all the t's were crossed...I's dotted...would you help? Why or why not????

Maybe that will help me figure out why I would support it yet not assist if asked...I don't think it is as much fear of GOD or anything...but to perhaps live knowing, even if it was for end of suffering...that I helped kill someone :(. Not sure if I would like that in my memory of life experiences...

I believe euthanasia is not an answer to the pain, suffering and degradation of the terminally ill patients. Now a days best Hospice care is available which specialize in reducing the pain and sufferings and increasing the comfort level of the patients. If the care giver staff could instill the self worth notion in the patient and alter his/her thinking in a positive way, the patient might accept the outcome of the disease in a more peaceful way. My belief is the result of my Christian upbringing and my trust in God, but if some one else has a different opinion, that is Ok with me.

Specializes in A&E (ER) and Primary Care.

I believe in euthanasia, but there should be certain measures in force to protect the patient.

I believe euthanasia should be agreed by five people

  • Foremost the patient if able to express there wishes
  • Family members
  • A consultant that covers the disease the patient has i.e. Cancer, to say the disease the patient has is terminal and there is no known cure.
  • A social working, to speak with the patient without family, and agree there is no quality of life
  • The patients General Practitioner (GP) who has known the patient for years, and may know patients wishes about life.

And only if agreed by all the above that euthanasia may take place but if anyone disagrees then euthanasia must not take place, and with these measures I believe the patient is protected, and it is not just based on one person's opinion, or family pushing for what's best for the family i.e. cost.

Working in A&E (ER) sometimes I think why?? Are we trying to rhesus a patient, but I still try and do the best that I can for the patient, but when you are doing heart compressions on a 94year old it makes you think is this the kind thing to do for this patient????

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