Currently I'm in school finishing my RN degree but as soon as I finish I want to enter grad school for my MSN or DNP, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. The thing is, it's SO DIFFICULT! One of my previous classmates graduated in May and is now a RN, she immediately was accepted into the Acute Care:Pediatric NP program at the school I want to apply to, but for the Neonatal NP program you have to have 2 years in a Level 3 NICU. Other schools I want to apply to have that same rule! Mind you, there are not many schools that actually have a NNP program, which is so sad. One school has stopped accepting applications because of the lack of resources.
My question(s) are why do you have to work in a Level 2/3/4 NICU for 2 years when you can enter an Acute Care Pediatric NP program with 0 experience? Also why is there such a shortage of Neonatal programs? It's almost as if Neonatal education is the last priority when it comes to specialties.
I asked one of my instructors about why there's a shortage of NNP programs and she said she didn't know but she also said that is the reason Neonatal NPs are the highest paid NP in our state(behind CRNA) making a little bit above Psych.