Why am I taking another tb test??

Nurses General Nursing


I live in Indiana and when I started my CNA course in Sept I had to have tb testing and a physical and I passed both. Well I went in for a job interview and I have to do another tb test, just one, and another physical. Why?

I thought that you only had to do it once a yr. I dont understand why I have to do it again. The good news is I dont pay for any of it this time but what if my tb comes back negative this time or I dont pass my physical? Maybe Im just stressing for no reason bc I really need and want a job and I'm scared something is going to happen to keep me from getting a job, which if something does there is nothing I can do I guess. Am I stressing to much about this?

I even had to do a drug test and Im nervous about that and I have NEVER done any drugs. . .is that normal?

Specializes in Telemetry, Case Management.

TB tests for new employers are standard. If you have a written copy of your old one, they might let it slide but the general rule in my area is if its over 3 months old, you get a new one. It doesn't hurt you to have several.

And the drug test is also becoming standard fare. And of course you're nervous. Everyone has heard stories of how "false positives" show up. Although, to be honest, the last one I had, I was on narcotic pain killers for an injury, I told them when I showed up and nothing was ever said about it. And I got the job.

Everybody has to go through these things. They're kind of a nuisance, especially the physical, as they often send you to "their" doc for it, but just do it and be happy. They want to make sure they are getting a healthy employee.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

"what if my tb comes back negative this time "

I'm assuming you mean "positive"?

It is standard procedure in my facility to require 2 consecutive negatives on an initial hire. Perhaps that is what your facility is pursuing.

Also in Indiana

Specializes in Hospice, corrections, psychiatry, rehab, LTC.
TB tests for new employers are standard. If you have a written copy of your old one, they might let it slide but the general rule in my area is if its over 3 months old, you get a new one.

That's pretty much the rule of thumb here, too. Show the results of a test done in the past 90 days and you're fine. More than 90, roll up your sleeve.

Specializes in office&hospital(med-surg).

If you are new to the medical field get used to the TB tests (PPDs). You will probably have to get one annually as well if you get the job. It's all part of life! Good Luck!

I am in a similar situation and was wondering if the PPD comes back positive, will this prevent me from EVER getting my nurse's License?

...........Kinda without Medical insurance right now. :(

I am in a similar situation and was wondering if the PPD comes back positive, will this prevent me from EVER getting my nurse's License?

...........Kinda without Medical insurance right now. :(

Around here if it comes back positive they do a chest xray to make sure you're not active.

Around here if it comes back positive they do a chest xray to make sure you're not active.



Having no Medical Insurance sux...:cry:

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

It all depends on the policy of the facility. Some will accept your TB test results from another facility, some won't. Some facilities are also doing a two stage test and they will allow the one from your previous facility to be the first one. As for drug screening, some places do it, some don't. It is just a matter of what their policy is. If your not using drugs, you have nothing to worry about. If you are on a prescription medication that may show up in your drug screen, you should bring the bottle in with you showing that you have a prescription and let them know how you take this medication. For example, if you take Zanax but you just take it at night for sleep, no big deal as long as you have a prescription.

If you work in are area of the country with a high TB rate, you might be required to take a TB test twice a year.

Try not to stress too much. These are all standard things which are asked of everyone who enters the medical field.

Having a false positive result will not keep you from being able to work in the field or obtainging a license jerrynuevo. In fact, I am proof of that. I actually had TB as a child and now carry false positives and will continue to. Therefore, I am not permitted to have the TB testing. They simply send me for chest x-rays yearly to be sure it's not active.

Good Luck with everything!!

Thanks everyone for you input:up:

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