Almost every doctor office I submitted applications to in my tristate area pays an RN, so it seems graduate wages or lower? I am a 20 year experienced nurse first LPN then RN. I was shocked since this is one of my alternatives to staying in the field. I cannot no longer keep up with LTC, there are to many issues; low staff ratio, and poor equipment to work with. I hurt my back helping move a 400lb woman, because theses facilities will take anyone for the money regardless if they have enough help. The hospital I've been there done that and cannot cope with it anymore. It's more so the long hours or 12hr shifts I do not like. I have this FMS, so I try to work more compatible jobs to avoid becoming fatigued.
I am presently giving Flu and Pneumonia vaccines with a clinic until November. It is so nice. I love meeting people and educating them. I really want to work for a doctor something I've never done before I certainly have the tallent to master the office ways, but it's accepting the low pay and revamping my lifestyle or should I say downgrading my lifestyle. I can do it though It just makes me sad that doctors offices pay so very little to the RN and LPN.
Any thoughts?