Why a C-Section?


Hi everyone, I was just wondering why so many women are choosing to undergo ceasarean delivery without even a trial of labor? Don't they realize it is a major abdominal surgery and they will be in severe pain for several weeks? I know that it is a very necessary procedure sometimes, but it just seems so overdone and unnecessary sometimes. I'd love to hear from you!

Hi everyone, I was just wondering why so many women are choosing to undergo ceasarean delivery without even a trial of labor? Don't they realize it is a major abdominal surgery and they will be in severe pain for several weeks? I know that it is a very necessary procedure sometimes, but it just seems so overdone and unnecessary sometimes. I'd love to hear from you!

Not everyone thinks a lady partsl birth is desireable. It's hard to believe, but some people prefer surgery, with its risks, to the earthy, funky, painful, unpredictable, lady parts-stretching natural process.

I think people should be free to choose which ever kind of birth they way (just as they are free to have their breasts enlarged, their noses fixed, their tummies tucked, and their sons circumcised), and I think they should be free to pay for it out of pocket if that's what they want. ;)


Hi everyone, I was just wondering why so many women are choosing to undergo ceasarean delivery without even a trial of labor? Don't they realize it is a major abdominal surgery and they will be in severe pain for several weeks? I know that it is a very necessary procedure sometimes, but it just seems so overdone and unnecessary sometimes. I'd love to hear from you!

Not everyone thinks a lady partsl birth is desireable. It's hard to believe, but some people prefer surgery, with its risks, to the earthy, funky, painful, unpredictable, lady parts-stretching natural process.

I think people should be free to choose which ever kind of birth they want (just as they are free to have their breasts enlarged, their noses fixed, their tummies tucked, and their sons circumcised), and I think they should be free to pay for it out of pocket if that's what they want. ;)


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I think we in the USA have a rather cavalier way of looking at csection birth. Look at Britney Spears, had a csection due to "fear of childbirth". Did NO ONE even ATTEMPT to educate her? Of course not, she is a American pop princess and demanded and got what she wanted.

I think it's a shame it (csection delivery) is being lumped in there with elective surgeries and the like---- maybe because of its inherent risks, not only to mom, but her baby. There are TWO patients involved, here, not just one. I would rue the day when csection on demand becomes the standard of care here in the USA; sadly, I see it coming in my lifetime. Too bad, if you ask me. It's just another indicator of our self-centered desire to have what we want when we want---now.

I agree w/Altalorraine. Make THEM pay out of pocket for elective surgeries that have no medical necessity, including elective primary csection.

I don't care how a woman decides to deliver. The delivery is a very, very small part of parenting.

Specializes in Critical Care, Pediatrics, Geriatrics.

I can't believe that I am going to admit this, but I would chose C-sec over lady partsl birth. I am mid-20s with no kids, and I will not go into detail, but I can say that my choice would be purely out of vanity and I would have no qualms about paying out of pocket for it. I applaud those who deliver lady partslly and I am not proud of my vanity, however, I would still do it nonetheless.:imbar

Hi everyone, I was just wondering why so many women are choosing to undergo ceasarean delivery without even a trial of labor? Don't they realize it is a major abdominal surgery and they will be in severe pain for several weeks? I know that it is a very necessary procedure sometimes, but it just seems so overdone and unnecessary sometimes. I'd love to hear from you!

I had a c-section in July. I understood all the risks involved. But, in my instance it was safer for me and my son. I did not have severe pain afterwards either, I barely used the Vicodin I was prescribed. I have a few other co-workers who had c-sections and they too said they did not experience severe pain. Have you yourself had one?

I was given the option to be induced, but highly was advised against it (It was still presented as an option). But, here are the reasons I decided to have the c/s: my pelvic outlet is really small, baby under stress, cord around neck 3x, amniotic fluid low, I was 2 weeks overdue, his head was very large.

My doctor even mentioned (this did not sway my decision) that if I were to attempt to vag deliver I would have a high chance of having a lifetime of urinary and sexual dysfunction due to extreme tearing! Seriously, my baby had a huge head (runs in the family) :lol2: As a woman, my sexuality is important to me and is important to my hubby too. So I can not imagine what kind of damage would have been done to the nether regions in that respect. But, glad I will NEVER find out!!!

For the next baby, I will not be attempting VBAC. In my life, I have always been the one where even if there is a small chance of something going haywire...it'll happen to me! I would be one of those who would probably rupture their uterus if I tried. So, the next one will be c/s also.

I can't believe that I am going to admit this, but I would chose C-sec over lady partsl birth. I am mid-20s with no kids, and I will not go into detail, but I can say that my choice would be purely out of vanity and I would have no qualms about paying out of pocket for it. I applaud those who deliver lady partslly and I am not proud of my vanity, however, I would still do it nonetheless.:imbar

I think I totally understand what you are talking about. Even though my c/s was necessary...I was hugely relieved that the baby was delivered that way :) And especially after seeing how big he was! I am 4'11" and hubby is 6'1" so I knew a big baby was a-comin'!

I have no idea. I'm a postpartum nurse and our hospital has an abominably high csection rate, I think around 40%, maybe higher. lady partsl deliveries come over with a saline lock, usually ravenous and eating a sandwich and walk to the bathroom - go home in two days or less.

C-section deliveries come over on a gurney, with a catheter in (18 hrs) bags of fluid running (12 hrs) and are flat on their back for at least 12 hrs, generally vomiting/nauseous/getting IV narcotics for pain. Even if they are feeling ok, they are on clear liquids and fill up with gas - they stay 4 days. Their babies spend a lot of time spitting up amniotic fluid and are often poor feeders because of that.

I can't believe anyone would choose the c-section for no medical reason, but it seems to happen all the time.

Hi everyone, I was just wondering why so many women are choosing to undergo ceasarean delivery without even a trial of labor? Don't they realize it is a major abdominal surgery and they will be in severe pain for several weeks? I know that it is a very necessary procedure sometimes, but it just seems so overdone and unnecessary sometimes. I'd love to hear from you!

My doctor even mentioned (this did not sway my decision) that if I were to attempt to vag deliver I would have a high chance of having a lifetime of urinary and sexual dysfunction due to extreme tearing! Seriously, my baby had a huge head (runs in the family) :lol2: As a woman, my sexuality is important to me and is important to my hubby too. So I can not imagine what kind of damage would have been done to the nether regions in that respect. But, glad I will NEVER find out!!!

I'm glad my doctor didn't say that to me when I had my son, that would have scared me to death! He was 9 lbs, 14 inch head and I didn't have so much as a tear, completely intact. Of course he was my third and my L&D nurse did a lot of perineal massage which I think helped.

I'm glad my doctor didn't say that to me when I had my son, that would have scared me to death! He was 9 lbs, 14 inch head and I didn't have so much as a tear, completely intact. Of course he was my third and my L&D nurse did a lot of perineal massage which I think helped.

It actually didn't scare me when she told me that. I was already scared for my baby's safety at that point to worry about myself. He was in trouble and needed to come out. But, if I were in her office and she said that to me...yeah, I'd be very afraid.

C-section deliveries come over on a gurney, with a catheter in (18 hrs) bags of fluid running (12 hrs) and are flat on their back for at least 12 hrs, generally vomiting/nauseous/getting IV narcotics for pain. Even if they are feeling ok, they are on clear liquids and fill up with gas - they stay 4 days. Their babies spend a lot of time spitting up amniotic fluid and are often poor feeders because of that.

I can't believe anyone would choose the c-section for no medical reason, but it seems to happen all the time.

Shoot, maybe i was one of the lucky ones! My urinary catheter was only in for about 8 hrs and they had me walking around after they pulled it out. I was having nausea, but no vomiting, no gas pains. Was able to progress to a reg diet after I "passed gas" which was about a day after surgery. The only pain I was having were those afterpains...I requested a heating pad for my back. I barely got any IV Narcotic. I was using their Vicodin.

Our baby was very healthy apgars were 9 and 9. He was (and is) definitely not a poor feeder! He's a little chunker! :)

I was only in the hospital less than 3 days. Admitted around 2 pm on Friday, went home Monday around 10am. The only complication I ended up with...the incision dehisced about 2 inches thanks to my dog jumping up on me as I got home from the hospital :(...Also ended up with PPD...but that could happen to anyone, not just c/s.

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