Who is working outside of healthcare while in Nursing School?

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I have been doing administrative/accounting work for last 12 years. I just finished my first semster of nursing school and let me tell you...I have lost all interest and motivation in my current job. Just coming to work can be unbearable as I can rarely concentrate on my work anymore..(hence you find me here on ALLNURSES) :chuckle

I have alot of freedom in my current job and so far they have been flexible and supportive of my educational plans (minus any tuition reimbursement :o ). So I am very hesitant to make a change (if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality).

But lately I have been considering switching to a healthcare related job...like unit clerk, monitor tech, or nurse tech. The positions would probably come with a pay cut of $2 or $3 an hour...but may be worth it if the hospital I work for offers tuition reimbursement and I can get some satisfaction out of my work.

So I am just wondering if anyone else has found themself in this situation and can share what they decided and how it turned out?



Manna so glad you are happy with your decision that's exactly where I'll be starting in 1 week and graduating in 2006, how are you handling the no Income :rolleyes: I am so scared of that but you know the old saying "More you make the more you spend" I believe that is so true don't you???

I will be giving up 38,000 yr to go to Nursing school am I NUTS :chuckle

Well, I was making just under 20K/yr, so it wasn't quite as big of a cut for me as for some... :chuckle

I've REALLY had to cut back on my expenses - formulate a budget and live on it. I'm not the world's most self disciplined gal, so its been a rough 6 months. I think I'm through the worst of it now - realized the mistakes I've made in my spending and am moving on. I also got my fin aid office to up my award a bit (based on things like daycare expenses), so that ought to help for next semester. :)

The sacrifices are definately all worth it. I'm happier than I've been in years - I absolutely adore school. Just hope I'll be able to make enough to support my family ANd pay off these darn student loans by the time I finish :chuckle

I work as a realtor outside of school. I am so over the work...I know that I am not giving my all to it, because I'm trying to give my all to my new career of becoming an RN. But, I must admit, the money is great for the amount of hours and the flexibility. I'm trying to hang in there & do it as long as I can. I know in a short time it will be very, very difficult to keep up.

Just remember...we will be RNs!!!!!!!! That's what keeps me going!!!!

:lol2: Amy

I am just starting nursing school this semester, but have worked as a unit secretary at a local hospital for almost 2 years. I don't know how may people have said that this type of work is going to help me...I deal so much with the terminology, plus I float to all the floors and deal with med/surg, telemetry, ortho. Plus I will always have the nurses there to help me with any questions!

good luck!!

Specializes in Burn ICU.

I feel like I could have written all of these post myself...I currently work for a Consultant company and I hate it. My boss is really nice, they give me so much flexibility and pay me very well, but I can't take it anymore. I feel like I'm the only one here who does work. I'm currenlty looking for a job in a hospital but the competition here is so cut throat. If you don't know anyone who works in the hospital to give you the inside track then forget about it.

Me too, I work outside the hospital or healthcare for that matter.

Will this look bad on my resume when I graduate??

I hope not.

Books and supplies are not free myfriend. and plus my current job lets me off during the Christmas season!!

I currently work for the US postal service and it's not too bad. The only thing was that they did not want to let me work less than 30 hours/wk and that wasn't going to fly in the spring when I will be in class/clinic for close to 40 hours/wk. I had put in my 2 week notice and they finally stepped up to the plate and I will now be able to work 3 8hr shifts on Fri, Sat and Sun. Not too shabby.

However, I have wanted to get a student tech job for a while now, even though it will be a pay cut of a couple of bucks. I interviewed for a weekend job at the major hospital in town and got the job, and then they discovered that they had a budget crisis and a hiring freeze was put into place, who knows when it will be lifted... I guess I can count my blessings though that the PO pulled through for me!


I worked for the USPS while I was in school. I am amazed that they were that flexible with you. I found the PO to be the most in-flexible organization on earth! I finally found a PTR position with perfect hours for going to school.

Specializes in OBGYN, Neonatal.

I work in human resources and really want to be in the medical field...definately no motivation in not helping others...I mean hr is helping to some extent but my position is more paperwork then helping others. I am the primary wage earner as my Hubby is trying to find a job right now, he has his own business but customers are few and far between. So while I'd like to try for a unit secretary position I can't just yet because of the money...but soon maybe!!!!

I work as a tech and some places are not always flexible with school. The up side is you get all your shots free (if you work in a hospital) and you can get medical if your only able to do part-time. The pay isn't always that great, trust me. I know some retail and fast food jobs paying more. And you work your a** off. Your on your feet running most of the time. So if you got a desk job where you can study paying good...I say keep at it.

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