Published Jan 8, 2009
654 Posts
I'm in my last and final semester and for my leadership in nursing class we had the opportunity to pick the specialty area of our choice...we will meet there for at least 5 times,with at least couple of patients under our care,basically do an 8 hour clinical and play a real nurse:))) I chose psych nursing since I found it interesting,so all of you last semester students which nursing area did you choose?and why?thanks...
615 Posts
Maternity....I want to see if I am really interested in women's. That is what I was interested in going into nursing school but now I am having second thoughts about it.
I loved maternity rotation,and I had serious thoughts about actually going into L&D but then again I loved psych and med it will be hard choice to make..I guess wherever there will be an opening...
Bortaz, MSN, RN
2,628 Posts
I'm hoping to do it in newborn nursery or in NICU.
1,301 Posts
It was a great experience :)
998 Posts
Well I still have community health and nursing leadership/management next semester but I'm doing 84 hours in pediatrics (adolescents in particular) this winter. 7 12-hour shifts with a preceptor and I LOVE it. I knew peds was my calling but I wasn't sure if I wanted to work with school-aged or teenagers. :)
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
My fingers are crossed for cardiac tele.
If not, I'm really interested in wound care.
52 Posts
I finished my last rotation in December. I chose surgery because it is something I'm interested in for the future and didn't get much exposure to during my other rotations. It turned out to be a very valuable experience. I learned so much about anatomy and physiology that I "knew" but couldn't picture before actually seeing it.