Where to relocate?


Hi everyone. My family and I are looking to relocate to Texas from Canada in about a year. What are some good hospitals?, and which are the ones to stay away from? I would also welcome any opinions as to other states to move since we haven't made a firm decision yet. :)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Hello and welcome to the family of allnurses. Enjoy your stay and good luck!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

You MAY want to ask in the TEXAS forum! GOOD LUCK!

I've heard good things about Spohn (I don't know how to spell it) system in Corpus Christi.


I am a Canadian citizen living in the States considering going back to college in B.C. to get my LVN education. Have you researched the feasibility of using a Canadian nursing certification to work in the U.S.? If so, would you please be kind enough to share with me how it works? I am worried about going through the difficulties of returning to school only to have my license unusable if I choose to move back to California.


Graduating from a Canadian nursing program (RN, not LPN) is enough to be allowed to sit for the American exam (NCLEX) and get your nursing license there once your program has been evaluated. (I'm in California now, graduated from university in BC).

Graduating from a Canadian nursing program (RN, not LPN) is enough to be allowed to sit for the American exam (NCLEX) and get your nursing license there once your program has been evaluated. (I'm in California now, graduated from university in BC).

But if I get a LPN in B.C. can I work as a LPN/LVN in the States?

Specializes in Nursing Assistant/ Army Medic, LVN.
Hi everyone. My family and I are looking to relocate to Texas from Canada in about a year. What are some good hospitals?, and which are the ones to stay away from? I would also welcome any opinions as to other states to move since we haven't made a firm decision yet. :)

I was also thinking about relocating to Texas.

Right now, I'm looking at the Houston area. There are a ton of hospitals in that area. You could also consider the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area, as there are some large teaching hospitals in that area also.

The type of terrain you may encounter will differ depending on which part of the state you are in (from what I hear), so you may want to consider that as well.

I think your question will be best answered in the Texas forum, though.

Specializes in Nursing Assistant/ Army Medic, LVN.


.................And if you don't already have it, you can try Google Earth . (Download the free version) You can click on 'Hospitals" and cruise around anywhere you want. You can also check on crime stats for a specific area and a bunch of useful stuff. (And it's pretty fun!)

Good luck! :)

Specializes in Nursing Assistant/ Army Medic, LVN.

I just came across this thread, and thought it might be helpful for you. The link provided gives alot of useful information on Houston, so I would assume it could provide as much useful info on whatever city you would like to look at. (I haven't played with it yet).

Just thought I'd toss that in here, incase you hadn't come across it on your own.


But if I get a LPN in B.C. can I work as a LPN/LVN in the States?

Only if you already have permanent resident status in the US.

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