When does your Spring Semester start and what r u taking?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


My Spring Semester Starts on January 23rd and i am taking Political Science, Math, Psy, and my Humanities class......Really excited to start my 1st semester......and a little nervous at the same time:)

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.
Hello school officially started today but my classes are on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I am going to take political science, college algebra, A&P with lab . So that's four classes for me. Some of you ladies have five or more how do you do it?
Just organize yourself. Have a planner and stay ahead. Be active in your class and make these classes fun. I seem to do better the more classes I take. I am only taking micro, chem, and physio this semester. They all have labs so six classes. It helps I like my professor, my school, and my classmates. We all motivate each other to do well! Good luck this semester!

My Spring semester started on the 9th and I'm taking Anatomy & Physiology I, Nutrition, and a Nursing Assistant class....I'm definitely scared of AP I, both Lab & Lecture Teachers said both Anatomy I & II are the hardest classes and it requires a lot of studying time. It didn't surprise me because I lurk around on here, but just sitting in the class listening....made me nervous.

I'm remaining positive and I'm going to work hard.....I need an A :)

i have algebra,biology,comp 1 too plus life span physcology.....im excited too im 38 and finally doing it too...good luck to ya

Today. I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology I Lab + Lecture, Biology II Lab + Lecture, and Fundamental Microbiology Lab (took the lecture last semester. Only 9 credit hours, but I'm in class from 8am-5pm. Should be worth 18!

@ camwill thanks and I have put everything in my calendar. When you take this many classes do,you have time for your family if you have one? Do you work? It's definitely doable. You are really loaded down. Good luck to you.!!!

Specializes in ortho, med-surg, critical care.

my semester begins January 12, I'm taking a lighter load so I can pass my science! I have Intro to Chemistry and Survey of World religions, which I am taking with my husband and a study buddy from my anatomy classes.

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.
@ camwill thanks and I have put everything in my calendar. When you take this many classes do,you have time for your family if you have one? Do you work? It's definitely doable. You are really loaded down. Good luck to you.!!!
Wow I have everything scheduled, time with family (I have seven plus my hubby), appointments, I tutor 20 hours a week, I volunteer at the hospital 12 hours, plus study, and maintain our home. Busy yes but my I was in the military and grew up with military parents. So as long as I plan it, it can be done. I also schedule fun time. I have rewards for accomplishing the goals and schedule for the week. Number one thing to remember is it is hard but do I want to repeat anything (No) and I act like everything from every class is important for my future patients! It is only hard if you say it is hard! Good thing about me is I do better with more to do!
Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.
@ camwill thanks and I have put everything in my calendar. When you take this many classes do,you have time for your family if you have one? Do you work? It's definitely doable. You are really loaded down. Good luck to you.!!!
Forgot to say good luck to you also!!!
Specializes in ortho, med-surg, critical care.
Wow I have everything scheduled, time with family (I have seven plus my hubby), appointments, I tutor 20 hours a week, I volunteer at the hospital 12 hours, plus study, and maintain our home. Busy yes but my I was in the military and grew up with military parents. So as long as I plan it, it can be done. I also schedule fun time. I have rewards for accomplishing the goals and schedule for the week. Number one thing to remember is it is hard but do I want to repeat anything (No) and I act like everything from every class is important for my future patients! It is only hard if you say it is hard! Good thing about me is I do better with more to do!

do you have a lot of kids as well, Camwill? Or am I misreading that? Just curious if you're another large family mom like myself.

I am taking A&P I and begin January 17. I am very much hoping this is my last semester of only taking one class per semester. Good luck to everyone!

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.
do you have a lot of kids as well, Camwill? Or am I misreading that? Just curious if you're another large family mom like myself.
We have five girls and two boys. They are 16-4

i am RN from nepal,the BRN has asked me to take psychiatric nursing,do i have to be in a witing list for 2 yrs(RN) for that..or is there any program where i can join anytime fo psychiatric nursing??plz help!!

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