When you are on your period...


Is there such thing that you cannot wear a tampon when you are on your period?

Is there such thing that you cannot wear a tampon when you are on your period?

The only contraindication I've ever heard is for women who have experienced Toxic Shock Syndrome in the past.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Shouldn't wear one when you're NOT having your period.

Shouldn't wear one pre-op or post op for surgeries.

Is there such thing that you cannot wear a tampon when you are on your period?

Could you please be more specfic?

I mean just when you are on your period if there is such thing that you cannot wear one. Ive tried before to use one but I feel that I am either doing it wrong or that I cantwear it..does that make sense?

I mean just when you are on your period if there is such thing that you cannot wear one. Ive tried before to use one but I feel that I am either doing it wrong or that I cantwear it..does that make sense?

What do you mean? Do you mean it won't insert properly? It falls out? It hurts?

Feels wierd? If "feels wierd"...wierd how? I'm just trying to get a grasp on wht you're asking. I dont want to share my story until I know its relevant. :p

the thing is is that I cant get it in...Im scared that there is something wrong and so I asked you guys. There is nothing wrong or anything?

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

I suggest you make an appointment with your PCP or a gynecologist. Most likely nothing's "wrong", but it sounds like it might be a good time for an exam and to have some basic questions answered.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Take a deep breath, try to relax and exhale before you do it. Your muscles down there might be tightened which might be the problem. But never force it in.

How old are you? Have you had children? Is your uterus tilted? Do you have a rectocyle or cystocele? Are you relaxed, are you using the correct size tampon...

You should never insert anything into the lady parts post partum until the 6 week check has been done.

Can't fully answer your question without the above knowledge.

the thing is is that I cant get it in...Im scared that there is something wrong and so I asked you guys. There is nothing wrong or anything?

I find that they go sideways on me sometimes and that reeeeeeeeeeeeaally hurts! Maybe you just aren't using the right size? Maybe you need something smaller? Maybe its the cardboard applicator and you need to get those plastic ones? How old are you if you dont mind me asking? If you're really young that could be the problem.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Try the Slim-Fit ones, too.

The more you try, the more frustrated you get, which makes it harder.

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