Published Jun 11, 2012
9 Posts
Hi all,
just got my brand spanking new FNP license (yay!!!!) and looking for work. Does anyone know at what point to apply for NPI # and script pad? Can I apply now or wait till I get hired? I am in NY BTW, if that's helpful.
Thanks a million!
1 Article; 2,806 Posts
Get your npi # now. Your workplace should provide script pads for you.
Corey Narry, MSN, RN, NP
8 Articles; 4,468 Posts
Depends on which state you're in. I used to live in a state where a collaborative agreement document is required with the DEA application. Where I'm now, an NP certification with the state is all that is required.
BlueDevil,DNP, DNP, RN
1,158 Posts
I live in an independent practice state. I got my NPI and DEA numbers before job hunting. They have hundreds of script pads at my workplace, although they don't have my name on them since I didn't yet work there when they ordered them. It hasn't mattered; about the only thing I write by hand is Zostavax and school/work excuses, lol.
thanks for suggestions. I am in NY. Often, the employer will pay for DEA ($700) from what I understand. SO, I do not want to get it just yet....
It is wise to wait until you're employed. A lot of employers do pay for your DEA certificate. In my case, our application fee is waived as we are employees of the state.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
And...why put your DEA number on ALL your scripts? Bad idea in my book. Plus, all the places I've worked its e-prescribing. CMS pays big bucks to practices/hospitals that eprescribe and believe me, they are all jumping on that bandwagon. I rarely WRITE scripts, almost everything via computer/ipad.
Thanks for all replies!