What's your craziest story of the ER

Specialties Emergency


Probably the worst was a 400+ lb guy brought in by EMS because he couldn't care for himself any longer. He was early 50's and was still wearing the hosp gown he was d/c in 3 weeks before.

He was so big and the house was so piled up with garbage they had to cut a section of wall out to get to him. When he got to us he was covered neck to toe in fecal material.

Me and 2 other nurses went in to start giving him a bath. Lots of hot soapy water and about 50 towels. As we turned him onto his R side, we noticed something hairy stuck in a fold.

It was covered in poop, and upon futher inspection we noticed it had blown pupils. That was the first rat I have ever had to pull out of a fold. We also recovered some Little Debbie wrappers in other folds and a crushed coke bottle stuck in his a$$ :eek:

We did get this guy admitted and sent to a nursing home for better care.

Most bizarre story from our ER is the guy who came in with a vacuum cleaner hose stuck on his you know what. Story was that he had been vacuuming while in the nude......:rolleyes:

john bosco - i promise this is no attempt at rudeness - however you are by far one of the worst spellers i have ever seen......but good story.:D :p :D :p

It comes from being dislexic and not being able to read Go Dog GO at the age of 12. My mother god bless her used to read me my lessons for the longest time.

Frankly I realy shouldnt be where I am today. It took a lot of work and tons of more time and effort for me to complete my studies. But no one can say I dont have desire and an unwillingness to give up on my dreams.

As for spelling I stink and that will never change and thank god you are not having to read my hand writing.


Specializes in ED staff.

Thank Goodness that math is not required on this BB, you guys would laugh at me so much I'd probably never come back. I am a wonderful speller however and it often takes all I can do to not correct some of the colorful spelling here, I'm kinda OCD about it IRL. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses and that's what makes it possible for us to work together so well. Glad we're all here. :)

Specializes in Critical Care.

I swear I'm not making this up!

I was 19 and worked in a small ER in the south, it was about 9pm on a Saturday night when a 2 y.o. with a dog bite came in. It was a puncture wound, deep but not serious.

Her father was about as backwoods as you can possibly get, he reeked of old stale beer and was carrying a garbage bag.

I was the Emergency Room Secretary at the time, so I checked the little girl in and the nurse escorted her and her mother to a bed.

The father then proceeded to put a garbage bag on my desk. I eyed it suspicously.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Well" he drawled "That's the head, you need the head don't ya to test it for rabies, right?"

I stared at him "Get that off my desk!"

The police scanner was right by my desk. I heard one of the county cops over the radio. "We have a report of a decapatatied dog on...." I called the police and told them I knew where the dog's head was.

It was the neighbors dog, they were not home at the time and had quite a big shock when they got home.

I have since moved to the city, and when I get homesick, I always think of that!!!!:)

From Mo and all.

Happy Thanks Giving

Im from MO too originally.

Originally posted by LilgirlRN

Thank Goodness that math is not required on this BB, you guys would laugh at me so much I'd probably never come back. I am a wonderful speller however and it often takes all I can do to not correct some of the colorful spelling here, I'm kinda OCD about it IRL. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses and that's what makes it possible for us to work together so well. Glad we're all here. :)

A kindred spirit! I'm anal about this also...

A tech at work was trying to tell someone how to spell "consensual." (One of the nurses was charting...mom brought in her 15 y/o daughter b/c boyfriend was 19 y/o.)

She was telling her incorrectly, so I chimed in with the correct spelling.

I don't think she liked it too much, and said, "You mean there's no "i?" Hmmm...nope! "You mean there's no "t?" Hmmm...nope again! :D

Bosco..... a good friend of mine is dyslexic.....she wasn't dx until adulthood.... she struggled very hard - one of the best rn's i have ever had the privaledge to work w/....

I know some too. We are as a group pretty bright I must admitt.

One Friday night I was working when a guy comes in by EMS with several lacerations on his hands, arms, and shoulders. None were very deep but they did require stitches, and as we were cleaning the wounds the guy tells us that he was at a barbeque and a fight broke out -- someone had taken after him with one of the dinner knives. We sutured him and sent him on his way.

A few minutes after contestant #1 left, another guy comes in by EMS with a whole bunch of little puncture wounds. Turns out this was the other guy from the barbeque, and contestant #1's girlfriend had laid into him with a BBQ fork! We all managed to keep a straight face until the doctor deadpanned "Well, he shouldn't have tried to take that last piece of chicken."

Our ED also had a guy come in with a vibrating toy up the. . . you know. We had to send him to GI lab for a colonoscopy to have it removed. The GI doc called and asked did the patient want him to take it out or change the batteries!

These are great, about the guy who cut off the dog's head, you gotta admit, at least he was thinking of his kid and was concerned for their well-being, no matter how unusual it was, lol

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