What do you wear to work, fellow aides?


I've seen a few different uniforms for nursing assistants. What do you wear?

We wear turquoise scrub tops (can have black or white trim), any style, and any style black scrub pants (or capris, or we can roll them up to capris). We can wear any closed shoe. I wear all white, all leather athletic sneakers. On Fridays, we can wear any scrubs we want. We are technically allowed to wear jeans, but NO-ONE does.

Specializes in ER, progressive care.

At my hospital, it depends on the floor...but on my home floor, we are allowed to wear whatever color scrubs (including prints) and shoes we want. On the floors that have specific uniform requirements, the aides and techs wear dark gray scrubs (any style, as long as they're dark gray) and the nurses have to wear ciel blue. Shoes can be any color.

Where I currently work: CNAs wear ciel blue, nurses Hunter green, housekeeping maroon, dietary black. We can all wear one piece of white (top or bottom) but no all white because the clinical students who come in wear all white.

Im so jealous of you all! Ill take any puke coloured scrubs if we got to wear scrubs!

At our hospital scrubs are considered unprofessional...

All staff wear office business pants and skirts, and then distinguished by colour of shirts.

Nurses and CNAs in light blue patterned collared, button shirts (some kinds with no pockets at all!!)

Orderlies in grey. allied in red etc...

We also get vests and cardigans which people use to actually have pockets. Other option is to buy a nurse belt pouch thingy.

Shoes either waterproof black solid shoes or more popular black runners covered with plastic for showers.

I've rebelled and bought navy blue cargo scrub pants. Now I at least have somewhere to put my pen and extra gloves.... No one told me off so far...

We look like supermarket workers, i've been asked where items are if i happen to stop by a shop after work... Dementia patients have confused us for bank workers...

Nursing students are the only ones who look like hospital workers in this place. 800 bed teaching hospital

Ok, rant over...

Eggplant colored scrubs. The most annoying color to try and find. Not grape, not wine....l eggplant. :sarcastic:

Specializes in Aged care, disability, community.

whatever we pick from the company uniform catalogue that's acceptable for our area, we also have to wear enclosed shoes. I personally wear the navy blue polo and cargo shorts with black leather sneakers.

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