What are your views and ideas on the current Medicare Issue?


I was told at one of our inservice meetings that the governor of MO is proposing to cut 17 million from Medicare. I work in a Nursing Home and 50% of our residents are Medicare recipients. Has anyone else heard this at their place of employment?

I believe you are confusing Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is the Federal program that provides healthcare coverage for the elderly and disabled. Medicaid is the program that (allegedly) provides healthcare coverage for the poor of any age -- it is funded jointly by the Federal government and each state, and each state administers its own program.

The Shrub administration has proposed significant cuts to the Federal funding of Medicaid, the US House has voted for even more drastic cuts, the Senate voted against cutting Medicaid at all, and no one knows at this point how that will finally turn out. Many of the individual states are in serious financial trouble because of soaring Medicaid costs and are looking at cutting funding, eligibility, coverage, etc. as ways of salvaging their state budgets.

One of the reasons Medicaid costs are so high is that Medicaid covers nursing home care (Medicare offers only very limited coverage of nursing home stays, and only as a follow-up to an acute hospital admission).

I believe you are confusing Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is the Federal program that provides healthcare coverage for the elderly and disabled. Medicaid is the program that (allegedly) provides healthcare coverage for the poor of any age -- it is funded jointly by the Federal government and each state, and each state administers its own program.

The Shrub administration has proposed significant cuts to the Federal funding of Medicaid, the US House has voted for even more drastic cuts, the Senate voted against cutting Medicaid at all, and no one knows at this point how that will finally turn out. Many of the individual states are in serious financial trouble because of soaring Medicaid costs and are looking at cutting funding, eligibility, coverage, etc. as ways of salvaging their state budgets.

One of the reasons Medicaid costs are so high is that Medicaid covers nursing home care (Medicare offers only very limited coverage of nursing home stays, and only as a follow-up to an acute hospital admission).

No, I'm not confused about Medicare. The care of the elderly is exactly what I was refering to because I work with the elderly everyday at my job. Please speak for one's self when refering to confusion. :p

No, I'm not confused about Medicare. The care of the elderly is exactly what I was refering to because I work with the elderly everyday at my job. Please speak for one's self when refering to confusion. :p

Sorry, you are the one confused. It's Medicaid that he's proposing to cut (I'm from MO also).

As elkpark said "One of the reasons Medicaid costs are so high is that Medicaid covers nursing home care (Medicare offers only very limited coverage of nursing home stays, and only as a follow-up to an acute hospital admission)." Obviously you didn't bother to read her entire post.

Sorry, you are the one confused. It's Medicaid that he's proposing to cut (I'm from MO also).

As elkpark said "One of the reasons Medicaid costs are so high is that Medicaid covers nursing home care (Medicare offers only very limited coverage of nursing home stays, and only as a follow-up to an acute hospital admission)." Obviously you didn't bother to read her entire post.

It's very sad but I've noticed that Nurses at this site are very critical with there words. I'm not trying to say anyone is right or wrong. Whether its Medicare or Medicaid they are both funded by the federal governments so which ever one it is, my point is that elderly people are going to suffer unnecessarily. :rotfl:

Well, then, I guess I am confused -- your state governor has absolutely no say over Medicare funding, since it is a purely Federal program ... The states only control Medicaid funding, and only the state portion of Medicaid funding, since part of Medicaid is paid by the Federal government.

Or did you mean that you were told that your state governor has proposed to the US Congress that he thinks Medicare funding should be cut?? He is certainly entitled to that opinion, but that and 75 cents will buy him a cup of coffee ...

It's very sad but I've noticed that Nurses at this site are very critical with there words.

Hmmmm, take a look in the mirror.

Hmmmm, take a look in the mirror.

Have any of you heard of Compression Staffing? It may be called something else. I'll find out more tomorrow. Today my spouce was handed a waiver and form to fill out. They are asking her to basically take a pay cut, because she works 36 hours and is salary. I believe this is part of the budget cuts in Medicaid.

Honestly, I think it's a lot of talk over nothing (the proposed Medicaid/care cut talks). The bottom line is that we made a PROMISE to the generation that is consuming these resources... and YES it's WAY more than we (State and Fed) expected to pay, because we never thought that most of these folks would hang on for so long. Regardless, we made a promise and it's one that will be kept. If they (political yahoos) think for a second that they can pass the cuts on to the nursing homes..... uh...... sorry.... they'll just close down. Nursing homes are already cash strapped as it is. Any more cuts and they'll self-destruct... lord, they already are!

The State and Federal govt's are going to have no choice but to INCREASE spending on these two programs and in turn you'll see the biggest fight ever between Bush and congress, even his own party when Bush insists on tax cuts that are simply put, IMPOSSIBLE. We'll see a tax increase or we'll see even MORE enormous deficit spending during the remainder of Bush's term. This won't just be for Medicare and Fed's portion of Medicaid, but also increased spending to bail many states out of inevitable financial crisis due to their gigantic Medicaid burdens.

Have fun. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

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