What do you do/use at work that keeps you organized?


Do you use a clipboard? notecards? cheat sheets?

I just finished working as a CNA and start tomorrow as an RN. Over time I developed my own cheat sheet and had my own little "system" of doing things that helped me not to do forget things or helped me to keep track of what I had done. I know that my duties as a nurse will change and that this system of my mine may or may not work. Any suggestions?

Specializes in Utilization Management.

That's a great question to ask your preceptor. I'd try it her way, then as you get more comfortable in the role and with your routine, you can tweak it to your needs.

Best wishes! :)

Specializes in CVICU.

I created my own report sheet with sections such as Diagnosis, Cardio/Pulmonary, GI/GU, Neuro, etc. I use a red pen for things I need to stand out like allergies, things I need to do, things I need to be sure to remember. I staple these sheets together and refer to it throughout. I took one of my kids old pencil boxes, and keep it on the nurses station. Inside is pens, calipers, scissors, pen-light, RN-Notes, a calculator, breath mints, mini-hand lotion, and a few other essentials. So far nothing has gone missing!

Thank you...that is exactly the kind of tip I was looking for. Also, do you skate, Betty? I do...figure skating.

Specializes in CVICU.
Thank you...that is exactly the kind of tip I was looking for. Also, do you skate, Betty? I do...figure skating.

:p SkateBetty is skate slang for someone who watches skateboarders! (I watch my daughter.) Cool, you figure skate. I love that.

oh...oops. I always have to ask, if I see a reference to skating; there aren't too many of us who do.

I wear a fannypack so things don't fall out of pockets.

Along with scissors, hemostats an a rubber tourniquet (arthritis makes it hard to unscrew), alcohol wipes, pens, and such I have laminatedcards. Some are purchased from the AACN, others have our hospitals policies on IV concentration, Heparin, K+, insulin, and other drip protocols, and who and where to call for supplies and troubleshooting.

I would love to know what is on your lami-cards...i am always looking for good ones!!

I would love to know what is on your lami-cards...i am always looking for good ones!!

Me too. I need all the help I can get. And what are these 'clipboards' every seems to have? The only clipboard I know of is much to large to be carrying around in one's pocket.

~ signed, Confused. :confused:

Specializes in NICU.

My system isn't very fancy, but it works. I don't like carrying around a clipboard, so this is easier.

We have those tri-fold paper towel holders all over the unit. I grab one for each of my patients plus one extra. I put each patient's name at the top of a towel and then list each hour of my shift below that, stretching them out to the bottom of the towel. When I get report on each patient, I write things in the appropriate time slot (i.e. 2400- vitals, ampicillin, 0200- gentamicin, 0400- vitals, lasix, 0600- morning labs, chest x-ray) so I can visualize what the night will look like. Then on the back of the paper towel, I'll jot down anything that isn't in the patient care summary (our computerized version of a kardex) that I need to know, pass on to the next nurse, or talk to the docs about. As I go through my night, I'll cross off each time slot as I complete the tasks. It helps keep everything on-time and organized, plus it's harder to forget about stuff since I have it all written out.

On the extra paper towel, I'll spread the whole thing out and write out the hours of my shift with lots of room in each timeslot. I'll jot the basics that each patient needs at that time, so when I'm busy instead of ruffling through each detailed paper towel, I have a master copy to look at.

Does this make sense?

I love your idea of the master copy. I have now been an RN for almost 4 months...when I started this post it was the night before my first shift. I have since tried numerous things to stay organize...some have worked,some have not. Right now, I have one sheet for all pts...with space to write something about all systems, VS, new issues/orders, and time slots, etc. It can get very crowded...and then I can't read my own writing. The master copy sheet might help with that. Thanks

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

I use a clipboard..it is my brain! I have typically two sheets I use...one is a basic run down on pts as far as name, room, doc, dx, diet/activity, IV, other equipment, and notes. The second page I make up that has columns that are houred by room/name that I put in the name of the medications when they are due. I use to just check mark the hour a med is due, but I started writing the name of the med...and ONLY when I sign the MAR can I cross it off my sheet...that helped me to make sure I was signing for meds properly! ;).

Those two help me out a ton! I will also have a printed census that I can write other notes on as I need...this is handy for report :).

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