What type of rotations did you go through in nursing school?


Also what did you like and dislike the most?

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.

I am heading into my third semester and we do all our rotations at one hospital. We have been on the med surg floors, emergency room, surgery, l&d, mother baby, nicu, neuro, telemetry, hyperbaric chamber, mental health, peds, even a elementary school with school nurse, and summer camp for ill children. I can't wait to see what we do this semester! Our last semester (next spring) is going to be the best! We interview for the department we want, more often than not you get it and also majority of the nursing students will get an offer from that department before the end of the semester! I am extremely excited :)

I am heading into my third semester and we do all our rotations at one hospital. We have been on the med surg floors, emergency room, surgery, l&d, mother baby, nicu, neuro, telemetry, hyperbaric chamber, mental health, peds, even a elementary school with school nurse, and summer camp for ill children. I can't wait to see what we do this semester! Our last semester (next spring) is going to be the best! We interview for the department we want, more often than not you get it and also majority of the nursing students will get an offer from that department before the end of the semester! I am extremely excited :)

That's awesome!!! Congrats! You must be doing a certificate program through a hospital? I don't think our nursing program will offer us all these rotations, i hope they do tho!

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.

That's awesome!!! Congrats! You must be doing a certificate program through a hospital? I don't think our nursing program will offer us all these rotations, i hope they do tho!

These are regular rotations in our program :) whatever our professors lectures on we get to see plus whatever treatments our patient receives we can attend. As a matter of fact they look for patients going in for surgery or getting neat procedures done. That's a cool thing about our school since it is based out of a hospital.

Specializes in Pedi.

All the standard rotations: Med/Surg (two semesters), Maternity, Psych, Peds, Community Health and then Preceptorship.

All the standard rotations: Med/Surg (two semesters), Maternity, Psych, Peds, Community Health and then Preceptorship.

My question is do nursing programs give their students some exposure in ICU/ER/NEURO/OR, anything involving critical care? I'm hoping to work in critical care when I graduate

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.

My question is do nursing programs give their students some exposure in ICU/ER/NEURO/OR, anything involving critical care? I'm hoping to work in critical care when I graduate

I am sure the exposure depends on your school and hospital. I wanted to go to my school because students were very happy with their clinical experience plus a lot of other reasons. I would ask students in your school or schools you are considering how the experience is :) you may get the exposure you want!

Ours are Basic Skills/Assessment, Med-Surg, Psych, Peds, OB, Community, and Senior "Externship"

1st semester was Intro consisting of LTC for 4 weeks and sub-acute for 6 weeks. 2nd semester is med/surg I and mental health. 3rd semester is L & D and Peds. 4th semester is med/surg II and preceptorship.

I just finished 1st semester and between LTC and sub-acute, I liked sub-acute the best :)

1st semester has no clinicals - we spent all our time in the Skills Lab

2nd semester is Adult Health 1 with clinicals at any one of 4 hospitals on various departments (Telemetry, oncology, surgical, GI lab, ortho, respiratory, neuro, etc)

3rd semester is OB and Peds with clinicals at any one of 4 hospitals on various floors (L&D, PP, NICU, Peds) and then we do a weekend stay (orientation Friday and clinical 0630- 1700 Sat and Sun) at a major CA children's hospital and I was luckily one of 5 students to be placed in the NICU which was an incredible experience

4th semester is Community Health and Psych - For community health we can have clinicals in a multitude of places such as schools, homes, clinics, etc and for psych I was in a locked acute care facility

5th semester is adult health 2 with clinicals at any one of the 4 hospitals on various floors (ICU, OR, ER, PACU, etc)

6th semester is our preceptorship where we can request any hospital and dept in the area we wish to be placed at (can even request major hospitals 1-2 hours away although we may not necessarily get what we request)

Overall I have been extremeley pleased with my clinical rotations thus far in NS (I am going into my 5th semester) and feel that my school gives us lots of exposure to all different areas

I'm starting next month but this is our schedule:

1st semester is Community Health & LTC

2nd semester is OB, Peds & Adult I

3rd semester is research & ethics (no clinicals)

4th semester is psych & adult II

5th semester is Public health, Critical Care & Practicum

First semester was a med-surg where we became accustomed to skills. I was in the ER 1 day. 2nd semester was an ortho/med-surg and 1 day in surgery (saw a male prosthetic). 3rd semester was on a neuro floor with 2 days in the neuro ICU and 1 day in the burn unit along with psych which included 1 day in peds psych. 4th semester will be my ICU preceptorship, peds, OB, and geriatrics which is at a nursing home.

I've been lucky. I've had great exposure because I've had great instructors.

The ER early on was not a normal rotation, it was because I am familiar with the ER due to being a paramedic and doing paramedic clinicals (which are different than nursing clinicals). I did get to see quite a few different treatments like an upper GI endoscopy and someone else saw part of an open heart surgery but I don't count them as rotations unless they were scheduled for everyone to do like the surgery rotation or the ICU rotation.

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