What Type Of Excersize Or Stretching Do You Do To Keep Up In Nursing?

Nurses General Nursing


Hi! I am preparing for nursing school in the fall and going to CNA school soon, and I was just wondering what do you all find to be the best excersizes or stretches that help you lift patients, stand on your feet for hours and endure this proffession in general? I am not the most in shape person in the world and am worried about my upper body strength especially as far as lifting goes. I'd also like to start some kind of program like yoga because I know that nursing can be very stressful. Just curious as to what you guys do to keep in shape for body and mind. Thanks...Louisepug:D ;)

I do chi-kung (qi gong) at least an hour each day. It's excellent for my immune system and inner strength.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Bikram is all I do. I go twice a week. It kills you at first, but I've been at it for two years and feel flexible and refreshed afterwards. But at first it wiped me out for the entire day.

Love it. Louisepug, please share how it went for you. :)

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

First thing in the morning, I exercise my spirit by praying and communing with my Father God. This helps to open my spirit to receive that which my Father wants to bless me with for that particular day.

Second, I exercise my mind by reading the scripture(s) that the Holy Spirit speaks softly to me while I'm praying and communing with my Father God. This helps to clear my mind for the day and put things in the right perspective for me before greeting the world.

Third, I exercise my body by emptying my bladder, brushing my teeth, taking a hot shower to get the juices flowing, and do some all over body stretches to finish waking up the old bod.

Fourth, I feed the body so I am able to have enough energy to conquer each day.

I have great plans to increase my physical exercise routine since I really really neeeeeeedddd to do so. Who knows....I may have to run a marathon one of these days as I try to escape "the enemy". ;)

The above exercises were the only things that got me through each 12 hour plus shift I had to work several days a week. If I didn't start my day this way, I'd drag through each day with no motivation or purpose because of the overwhelming stress of each workday. :nurse:

Originally posted by RNnTraining1973

Ah, Bikram yoga.....love that!!! It's about the only kind of yoga I enjoy....:chuckle

Yup, that's it...I guess if I really wanted to I could save money and just go outside in the summer and do some streches:D

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