Published Oct 7, 2014
178 Posts
So, I've been offered a position at my agency of clinical director, and I don't know what to do. When I got into nursing, I didn't have management/administration in mind when I pictured myself long term. I like bedside care and interacting with patients, and especially love the skills part of nursing. I have been trying to get into hospitals for the last two months to no avail.
And now, a little backstory on my situation:
DH and I are divorcing after 20 years. It's all very amicable and the kids don't know yet (two daughters, 7 and 11). I want to get my own place but can't d/t the (low) amount of money I make (DH is self employed and we pay out the a** for health insurance). I have been pushing hard to find F/T employment with good benefits with no luck.
I asked my agency for $10 more dollars/hr but they could only go up $4 on hourly rate (and benefits aren't worth it). Then they offered me the clinical director position, which not only meets my financial needs to live independently, but also has a good benefits package for me and my kids. I am so torn!
I know that no one can make the decision for me, but I would love feedback, esp. to see if there are things I haven't thought of (just got offered today and told them I would let them know in next couple of days). THANK YOU so much for any advice or opinions offered. Oh, and just for context, I am a 45 year old, highly capable female
edmia, BSN, RN
827 Posts
It sounds like just what you need at this time in your life. But, it really depends on how important being on your own is to you. If I really wanted out of my marriage and finance was holding things up, I would take the job.
7,736 Posts
Just another point to consider - will there be any "on call" responsibilities? I can't see where there would not be some. You really need to know.
38,333 Posts
On call can be shared, (or handled altogether) by your clinical supervisor(s). If you only have one clinical supervisor, you should share the duty with them.
I would be responsible for one week a month of on call duty (it's split between 4 clinical directors).
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,704 Posts
Change is hard but change is good! You have an opportunity to secure a future for yourself. No one says you have to stay there forever, but it might be the stepping stone to a better future! Good Luck!
306 Posts
I would think 8-5 M-f would be a dream for child care. Most child care centers can pick kids up after school, or often the schools do after care. Much easier than working around 3 12s.
If you really want extra money, and want to keep your clinical skills up, work per diem/PRN at the hospital or wherever you want, a day or two a month.
I appreciate the feedback. I think in my heart of hearts, this is the right thing to do, even though it isn't following my heart. It checks off a lot of boxes to make this whole unfortunate situation possible. Again, thank you for taking the time to read and respond. :)