What would you do?


Yes an interesting question. Here is my problem. Struggling in elem. algebra class. I have gone to a tutor and it doesnt seem to be helping. My instructor is super fast (not even going to get into that) do I stay in the class and struggle and get a low grade which will bring down my GPA or do I drop it and retake it at a slower pace next time? I am also taking A&P1, Phsyc, and another phys ed 1/2 credit course which is a joke but we wont go there either. Suggestions please.

Specializes in Critcal Care.

Since you are working on prerequisites, i would try and keep the GPA as high as possible. Some nursing program enrollments only end up covering a range of 3.3 and up, mostly up, and those under 3.3 can be left out in the cold. I think it's important to know when you've got too much on your plate and when it may keep you from getting that one A or A- you may need to push you ahead of the crowd. If your math teacher moves through material too fast, then drop the course and get another instructor who may possibly do a better job. Another idea is to drop the course and hire a tutor to teach you the content before you take it the next time. If it's not too late to change your status to an audit, you could just learn the material without pressure and then it would be easier next time. There are several ways to go here. I slugged through statistics with a B-. Got a C in Anatomy because the instructor needed his meds adjusted. I had to work my behind off to make up for that C in my GPA! I was furious, but i could do nothing about it. If there's no way for you to get out of the class without losing too much time, try to get this instructor to partner with you, to mentor you. He might take more of an interest. He may assume you are uninterested or unmotivated for some reason of which you are unaware! Lord! Who knows with these folks! I know how you feel! But one last word about the one who teaches too fast. THe key word here is "teaching". Know the old saying about those who can do and those who can't teach? My version is: THose who can, teach, and those who can't still try to teach, do a crappy job, and blame it on the students. Sincerely, a 15-year veteran master teacher

Specializes in med surg, icu.

Have you spoken to your teacher about your trouble keeping up and asked for his help or guidance? Also, do you do all of the practice problems/homework problems assigned for each lesson AND check to make sure you do every single one is correct? And then ask your teacher to explain the problems you don't understand after doing them?

Additionally, try finding another tutor... Sometimes it's just a matter of finding a tutor who's good at explaining the information from a perspective you can understand. Not all tutors are good... you tend to have to find a good one through trial and error.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Even if you decide to drop this class, stay in it until the last possible minute you have to get out with a "W" (withdrawal, no grade) and get your money's worth of the tuition. That way you will have been exposed to most of the material once. When you take it again, it will be repetitive information and perhaps it will "click" for you.

Specializes in LDRP.
Even if you decide to drop this class, stay in it until the last possible minute you have to get out with a "W" (withdrawal, no grade) and get your money's worth of the tuition. That way you will have been exposed to most of the material once. When you take it again, it will be repetitive information and perhaps it will "click" for you.

I agree. Also, think about auditing or taking a math prep class-ask you advisor which one you would need. Sounds like you need to brush up on your skills. Good luck!

I'd drop the class, as long as it won't affect your GPA. I had to do this last year for biology. I think you should brush up on your skills, then take the class next semester. Hopefully you'll get a different instructor.

The Complete Idiot's Guide for Algebra is helping me. You should also check out:



Guess what? went to drop the course and found out I didnt need it in the first place!! My transcrips have been reviewed from my other school and I have a math high enough to get into chem. class. Now that made my day!

Guess what? went to drop the course and found out I didnt need it in the first place!! My transcrips have been reviewed from my other school and I have a math high enough to get into chem. class. Now that made my day!

Well, I am so glad that that nightmare is over for you

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