What skills should new lpn brush up on before working?


What are some skills a new lpn should brush up on before working for real? what are some of skills that lpns find hardest in the work place?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
What are some skills a new lpn should brush up on before working for real? what are some of skills that lpns find hardest in the work place?

Depends on where you will be working. Skills needed for private duty pediatrics are different than those needed for LTC or Corrections, and still different for clinic or outpatient.

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

depends on job environment ;)

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Depends on where you will be working. Skills needed for private duty pediatrics are different than those needed for LTC or Corrections, and still different for clinic or outpatient.


What are you interested in working?

Will probably work in a nursing home.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Assessment, glucose monitoring, sliding scale insulin, fall risk assessment; wound assessment and care, passing 80,000,000 pills to 75 residents in less than 90 minutes, which pills can be crushed and those that can't is there a liquid alternative. How to crush pills without creating a drug dust cloud, delegation to CNAs, GT care, meds & enteral feeds, stoma care, respiratory assessment and treatments. COPD meds which are long vs quick acting skin assessment.

Big one: sudden altered mental status or confusion in a senior check for UTI (often pain comes after urosepsis sets in). I remember this from clinicals from an astute LTC nurse. Saved my grandmother and the mother of my son's school nurse from going septic. I forget the exact mechanism

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