What is the "bad pop up" & how accurate is it?


Just did the PVT, and it said:

"The payment was declined. Reason: Invalid credit card number. Reenter number or use a different card"

How accurate is the PVT? Is it credible? I'm just curious to how it works.

Feel so defeated. Did UWORLD for the most part. Any recommendations as to what other resources you used to help you pass? Kaplan or Hurst?

Put in a valid cc # but only change the exp. date or the CVV#

^What they said.

You didn't do the trick correctly.

It doesn't work. I changed the security code and all it said was "The payment was declined. Reason: Invalid security code. Contact your credit card company or use a different credit card."

I hate to be the bearer of bad news... So because your card number was correct and your security code was incorrect, it means that Pearson Vue actually tried to charge your card... this is the bad pop up, generally meaning you did not pass the test.

I first tried the PVT with an incorrect card number and got the "invalid card number" statement. I entered the correct card number and incorrect exp date, security, even my name and got the "our records indicate...." statement (the good pop up). Finally and unfortunately, I know someone who tried the trick and received the "invalid security code" and they found out via quick results that they did not pass.

I tried both as well and still got the same reason. So neither of those worked for me and I don't want to be charged if I end up passing...

I'm just going to wait for my letter in the mail, I have a feeling I failed but idk. ):

Yeah. :/ seems like it's trying to charge you then. If you enter the card number that's basically close enough to a real one, like right amount of digits (and not just like 123456789), it would recognize it as a "real" card number... but obvi it wouldn't go with the exp date and security code anyway.

I know it's not what you want to hear and you've gotta wait a while for results in California. Take some time to try and get your mind off it, nothing you can do now but wait.

Sorry, simply to just to stand by the trick's accuracy, here's how I understand how pearson vue's registration process is run, in not-real technical terms:

By real card number I meant that it's probably someone's card number. A card number that is too far off from an actual card number will show the "invalid card number" response... a "real" card number, meaning actually yours or changing it to a number that still exists will have passed the preliminary "is this a real card or not?" check....

It would then go into "Can this user register for the NCLEX again?" check. A Pass on the NCLEX would mean ‘no, the user can't register again' so they'll get the "good pop up" of "our records indicate that you've recently...". A No Pass would allow for the user to register again, automatically leading the system into the next step: taking your money.

So with the PV ready to take one's registration payment, they will attempt to process the card entered. if the data input is incorrect (card number is real but wrong, wrong exp date, wrong security code), one would receive the "invalid security code" response (the security code > exp date, if the security code was correct it would override an incorrect exp date when it comes to charging a card). If the data input is correct (all the right card info), the user would be charged the $200 registration fee.

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