What to do about pay?

Nurses General Nursing


First of all, I still haven't been told what my RN pay is going to be. I argued to get brought up to $22.72, and I have an email saying that would be the rate, but now... the DON that emailed me.... quit.

Are they still obligated to give me my 22.72/hr? or am I going to be bumped back down to 21/hr like they wanted to?

Is my email valid?

I've gotta get outta there.

\Well, my update is that I emailed the "present" boss a few days ago, and STILL no response!

I get paid Tuesday, so I'm almost 100% positive that I'm getting the lowest wage.....

I'll let you know.

PS: Thanks Sharrie.

I think you need to make an appointment and sit before the person who will make this decision. Request a meeting and bring the email with you. Get in front of them and make your needs known along with the proof. Couldn't hurt any and at least you can get it all off your chest.

Maybe we take the for-profit motive out of health care? I remember when hospitals were not for profit. All of the profit goes into salaries and equipment, not to share holders that only want to see their stock prices soar. Today, when someone says "try to send that nurse home before the matrix says to so we can save money and increase our pay" I remind them that the only ones that are going to profit from any expense saving measure is the shareholders. The employees are only going to be abused.

Absolutely. Having stock holders involved is a huge conflict of interest. Make the patient happy or the stock holder? Give the patient the testing, etc. they need and deserve or answer to the board? This never should have been allowed to happen. Patients suffer and die while others get richer and richer. It's disgusting.

I think you need to make an appointment and sit before the person who will make this decision. Request a meeting and bring the email with you. Get in front of them and make your needs known along with the proof. Couldn't hurt any and at least you can get it all off your chest.

I plan on it. More than likely next week.

Best wishes for a positive resolution to this.

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