What is the passing test grade at your school?

Nursing Students General Students


I was recently accepted to a nursing program where I learned that the passing test grade was a 78. Needless to say I can't stop thinking about this and it has me super nervous. I spoke to a friend of mine at a local universtity and his passing grade is 80 and but another friend of mine hers is only 70 at her NRSG school. I think what worries me the most are the post that say that nrsg school is so difficult and getting a C is an accomplishment. So this has made me even more worried.

So I am just curious what are the passing grades at your school? And is a 78 excessive or is this the norm in nursing school?

Specializes in Clinicals.

75 in my program

I was recently accepted to a nursing program where I learned that the passing test grade was a 78. Needless to say I can't stop thinking about this and it has me super nervous. I spoke to a friend of mine at a local universtity and his passing grade is 80 and but another friend of mine hers is only 70 at her NRSG school. I think what worries me the most are the post that say that nrsg school is so difficult and getting a C is an accomplishment. So this has made me even more worried.

So I am just curious what are the passing grades at your school? And is a 78 excessive or is this the norm in nursing school?

I am currently enrolled in nursing school and our scores have to be an 80 or better. It is not hard to do it. You just have to want to take the time to study and not let anything interfere. It does take time but it is so worth it when you get your test back. I have an average of 95 and it makes me feel great to know that I did it. I put index cards with the saying "Failure is NOT an option" around the house to remind me that I can certainly do this and SO CAN YOU!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry just stick with it and study and you will be fine. Don't be afraid to ask questions!!!!

Same as my school only you can only fail 5 tests and if you do you are out of the program no questions asked!!!!

At my school it is 76 :o

Specializes in Diabetes ED, (CDE), CCU, Pulmonary/HIV.

My school requires an 80% to pass. The bad part though is the grading scale:

80 - 86 C

87 - 93 B

94 - 100 A

Most of the other nursing schools in the area require 80% to pass, but 80 - 89 is a B and 90 to 100 is an A. So if your are competing for a graduate school spot, GPAs from the other schools will be higher.

Specializes in IMCU.

My school had a 78 as the passing standard. The grading system of the poster above is the same, except a C was a 78-85. I always had a final grade around 90 even, which was a B and never was in any danger of failing at anytime in nursing school, so the grading system never bothered me. Note: for us an A was 95-100, never heard of anyone recieve a final grade of an A as thier final grade in my Nursing class.

We had weekly master quizzes we had to take and pass in order to attend clinical. if we mised over one day of clinical we failed the course. So, if you failed 2 masteries you were out of the program.

They did not have it where you had to pass the final in order to pass the course, but we had projects that were pass/fail that we were required to pass in order to move on the the next course. And clinical, of course, we had to pass to move on to the next course.

76 at my school

Ours is 75%. Our school motto is "74 out the door".


75% at my school and you can't fail more than 2 exams. 18 of 40 students failed the second exam

mine is 85 :(

Where do u go?

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