What do I do??

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in CCU MICU Rapid Response.

I have a dilemma and need some advice.

So here is the skinny- I will graduate in May with my ADN, and have been applying for positions in various departments at various institutions.

I interviewed for and accepted a part time position for OB about 2 weeks ago, I got the job, part time nites, 30 miles from my house. Lovely staff, I did my OB rotation there and feel comfortable with routines, computer stuff etc.

Yesterday, I had an offer for ICU for 7a -7p in town. I currently work there as a CNA... The wage is a bit higher in this hospital, and the shift diff is twice that of the OB job. I dont really know any of the staff from that dept. but it is a nice floor.

SO I am wondering what to do. If I take ICU, how do I bow out gracefully with OB and not burn bridges?? Thanks for your input and suggestions!


Unfortunately you will burn bridges to some extent since you've already accepted.

Specializes in MS, Hospice, LTC.

I think it all depends on what you would like to do more. I don't see how either position could limit you in anyway for you future career goals. I don't know if the ICU position is full time, but if it is, full time vs. part time (benefits!). The convenience of being Right in town vs. a 30 mile commute. I know for the right position and great co-workres, money and distance may not weigh to heavily. Good luck to you in your decision.

you have to be happy doing whatever you love, no matter how much money you make. I told my interviewer for my nicu position that I would work for free because I love the babies, and I did love the job. Go with what you really want to do. Good luck

Specializes in ICU, SDU, OR, RR, Ortho, Hospice RN.


You only can decide on what your heart really tells you to do.

What areas in nursing really do appeal to you.

Unfortunately you have accepted the first position so you will most likely offend if you take the other position.

Follow your heart is all I can suggest you do.

Remember money is not everything but yes it sure helps pay the bills.

since the OB position is part-time

and you seem interested in the ICU position as well

could you consider taking the OB part-time position, and

asking if the ICU position could be part-time as well

{that is, if you haven't decided to take the full-time ICU position}

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