What should I consider before transferring from cardiac stepdown unit to outpatient surgery/in hospital GI Lab?

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Specializes in CardiacStep-down/Progressive Care Unit.


I have worked for 6 yrs now in cardiac stepdown/tele progressive care unit. 2 yrs ago, I posted about my burnout. But I thrive and stick with it again for couple yrs. Last yr covid pandemic, our floor was shut down, floated to med surg floor then back to our floor. I just started as a charge nurse and preceptor last year. It feels like I have another meltdown this yr and have no desire to work bedside nursing again. More tasks for charge nurses to do, need to improve patient satisfaction, etc. I did not get a pay raise for 5 yrs until this career ladder started last yr but I have to accumulate hours in order for them to give you a raise and advance to the ladder. But this year, I feel more not in touch with what I do as a nurse at bedside. I know Hospitalists and cardiologists trusted my assessment skills. But it is not being there for them and teaching them. It is more passing meds and waiting until snf placement. I applied for another position in our hospital. And it is in OutPatient surgery/GI lab unit. This unit last yr became our covid unit. The work setting is different. I need ideas on what are considerations I need to think about, pros and cons from transferring to a cardiac stepdown unit that enhanced my nursing skills but feels like I am not growing there professionally even though, precepting and charging are now part of my duties last yr. But I feel numb and unable to function as a bedside nurse that I was before the first 2 to 4 yrs there. Need some ideas from ya'll. Appreciate it.

Specializes in Community Health, Med/Surg, ICU Stepdown.

I just switched from a Stepdown to outpatient PACU and I'm much less stressed. I do feel I've lost some hospital specific skills but I still deal with airways, wounds, IVs, giving meds, assessments, etc. There is still an element of time management but I never feel as stressed as I did running between rooms in the hospital. I do assess patient's cardiac rhythms, but it's rare there is an unstable rhythm, so if you like treating abnormal rhythms and titrating cardiac drips you might miss that. 

It is nice not to get yelled at and attacked by patients, and to not constantly see sad situations. If you're feeling burned out I say go for it! 

Specializes in CardiacStep-down/Progressive Care Unit.

Libra nurse

Thank You. I do enjoyed being at the bedside. But for the past 2 yrs I have been more depressed. I have never tried changing jobs. So this is my first time moving to a different department. More of a specialty. I am just worried if another pandemic hits us, outpt and input surgeries and procedures are going to slow down or get shut down again. Last year, many nurses were furloughed.  

Specializes in CardiacStep-down/Progressive Care Unit.
On 3/6/2021 at 12:11 AM, LibraNurse27 said:

I just switched from a Stepdown to outpatient PACU and I'm much less stressed. I do feel I've lost some hospital specific skills but I still deal with airways, wounds, IVs, giving meds, assessments, etc. There is still an element of time management but I never feel as stressed as I did running between rooms in the hospital. I do assess patient's cardiac rhythms, but it's rare there is an unstable rhythm, so if you like treating abnormal rhythms and titrating cardiac drips you might miss that. 

It is nice not to get yelled at and attacked by patients, and to not constantly see sad situations. If you're feeling burned out I say go for it! 

Libra nurse

Thank You. I do enjoyed being at the bedside. But for the past 2 yrs I have been more depressed. I have never tried changing jobs. So this is my first time moving to a different department. More of a specialty. I am just worried if another pandemic hits us, outpt and input surgeries and procedures are going to slow down or get shut down again. Last year, many nurses were furloughed.  


Specializes in Community Health, Med/Surg, ICU Stepdown.

Yes, that is a concern. But I hope this will be the only pandemic in our lifetimes! Where I work now the nurses were given the option to take PTO, unpaid leave, help with covid testing, or if they had hospital experience go help in the hospital...

Specializes in PCCN.

"what should you consider?" Consider how fast u can get out ?


Specializes in CardiacStep-down/Progressive Care Unit.
5 hours ago, martymoose said:

I know right? weighing things right now. pros and cons.


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