What gift to buy for a new nurse?

Nurses General Nursing


Hi, I have a boyfriend that is graduating form nursing school this June and I don't know what to get him. (I, myself will also go to nursing school this fall,;) yeah!) I would like to get him something he can use when he starts working, what are some essential things every nurse should have?

maybe a well deserved vacation for both of you. You both made sacrifices...

I liked the pda and stetoscope ideas but you don't necessarily have to buy him nursing related gifts.

Specializes in Surgical wards, Elderly Care.

Lots of footsoak for those tired feet...

Hi, I have a boyfriend that is graduating form nursing school this June and I don't know what to get him. (I, myself will also go to nursing school this fall,;) yeah!) I would like to get him something he can use when he starts working, what are some essential things every nurse should have?

Hi, If you have the money, a PDA with MIMs (or medications manual) is very useful for any grad nurse or otherwise get a decent stethoscope and a small (pocket size) medication book.

Good luck in the future

Jenny Renn

It depends how much money you are willing to spend...I would think a PDA would be nice but is expensive...you can also get him a new drug book -- that should be cheaper.

I would get him a fancy alarm clock...to make sure he wakes up in time for work! he he I know it's not the most glamorous idea but we all need one and he will see it everyday!

Specializes in Looking for a career in NICU.
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