Published May 7, 2004
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,036 Posts
Call me an idiot, but I'm not entirely sure what forensic nursing IS. What does a forensic nurse do all day?
305 Posts
I'd like to know, too. It's intriguing. Maybe it's like CSI!!
548 Posts
I'm not certain, but I think they work with crime victims, such as rape or abuse cases. They will document what they see, take swabs, and report their findings. We had a Forensic Nurse in our ER who counseled rape victims, treated them, and collected evidence that could possibly be used as "evidence" for legal cases/trials or arrests.
orrnlori, RN
549 Posts
Most forensic nurses are SANE nurses (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) and are certified as such. Do a web search to find the descriptions of various forensic nursing jobs.
12 Posts
Most forensic nurses are SANE nurses. They also have a few that can take additional courses for crime scene photography, crime scene investigation, etc [more like CSI].
There are various websites. I just happened to check out a program offered through the U of Riverside's extension program that is online. It sounded very interesting.
2,083 Posts
anyone have any web sites on forensic nursing ?
here are just a few. if you simply type in the words "forensic nursing" several sites will pop up.
49 Posts
I heard a nurse with a master's in forensics speak at a workshop. She was the county coroner.
Now there's a job for ME! I have always wanted to be a coroner/medical examiner! Maybe one day I will finally get there!!!!:balloons:
19 Posts
Ok, here's another one. What is infomatics? I always here the term thrown around but have never been sure what it is.
4,177 Posts
a forensic nurse gets special training in testifing in court. If you work for a private lawyer you will spend time reading nurses notes and md orders for items which will help attorney in building case in Emer-Room you may gather evidence in rape and in assult cases all in all it seems pretty interesting to me there are a lot different jobs you can qualify for with a rn degree make the most of it