What if the federal government read allnurses?


I read and relate to posts and topics regarding nurses being overworked, not taking breaks, crying, feeling like they want to run from the hospital beer to come back again. Feel like they are giving subpar care because that's all we humanly are able to give.the medication errors that are due to understaffing and the near misses.

Would the federal government consider making a change for safari reasonably staffing and work conditions?

Just wondering

Specializes in Critical Care.

I doubt it. They are more concerned with saving money re medicare/medicaid and keeping their lobbyists happy!

Specializes in Critical Care.

It took the National Nurses United Union in CA to get safe staffing ratios. It will take organized labor to improve working conditions, mgmt won't do it to save money and the govt could care less. The rich and VIP's are used to getting better service than the regular pt plus many pay for a private nurse during their hospital stay and recuperation period because they can afford the best!

In March of 1970, the Post Office had enough of being the, "red haired step child of the Federal Government". The were tired of broken promises, poor pay, poor management, and they did something unpredecented in history. The US Post Office voted to go on strike through the entire country. That's right. The US Post Office went on stike in all 50 states.

It took the Post office only THREE DAYS to bring this country to its knees!! The government relented, and the Post Office finally got significant pay increases, and benefits, commenurate to other Federal Agecies.


Folks, if we all joined the NNOC, negotiated contracts together, stand together, we could accomplish the same thing. Think about it. It DOES WORK. You have to believe.

I know that this is true, because my father and uncle in NYC, worked for the Post Office in Brooklyn. They went out on stike with the Post Office, and were part of the union that brought respect back to the Postal Worker.

My father was appalled that nurses were not unionized. He could not imagine a group, treated so badly, so underpaid, and mis-treated, would not do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO ORGANIZE AND GAIN CONTROL OVER THEIR PROFESSION!!

He is probably turning over in his grave at what we have to put up with. After all the old unions did to secure job security for the American Public, to see them shun the very thing that could bring respect and appreciation back to the American Worker, not just nurses. RESPECT for the American worker is sorely lacking in this country. It is OUR JOB to bring back that respect!!

JMHO and my NY $0.02

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN (ret)

Somewhere in the PACNW

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

If the federal government wanted to go after you, they would scour your posts on AN and any other forum for any hint of any kind of wrongdoing. Best to stay away from venting, comiserating, and certainly never confessing to any errors or subpar care you may have given your patients. Yes, it sounds tin-foily but unfortunately not too far from the truth. :(

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