What to expect during clinicals


HI Everyone,

I am about to enter my first clinical this fall. I am just wondering what will be happening? What will instructors expect from me? What should I get from this experience? Our first setting is at a nursing home.

Thank you in advance!

This is great info as I am starting my clinicals in less than a month!!!

Specializes in Med/Surg, ICU, educator.

Ask your clinical instructor what you are allowed to do/not do, and what are clinical expectations. With this being your first clinical, everyone will want to know. Then make sure to take care of your patient, and assist with anyone else, you never know what is going to be a learning experience. I'm sure that you'll do great. And never ever be afraid to ask questions about what's going on. It's the best way to learn. Good luck to you and your fellow classmates.

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