Published Oct 1, 2005
Animaniacs, BSN, RN
108 Posts
I'm a student and I'm taking public health nursing this semester. I just need some recommendations on topics to do my paper on. We are suppose to identify one public health issue and the importance of it to public health nurses/nursing. It can be any public health issue.
Any recommendations would be nice on a suggested topic. I need some examples. I want to do a topic that isn't too difficult to research, something easy and enjoyable. Again it has to be a public health issue and how i can use that to incorporate it to public health nursing.
10 Articles; 19,000 Posts
resources for completing your assignments:
1. google:examples of public health issues nurses deal with?
results 1 - 10 of about 4,390,000 for examples of public healthissuesnursesdeal with? . (0.15 seconds)
scholarly articles for examples of public health issues nurses deal with?
ethical issues in public health nursing - by oberle - 6 citations
women's health and the practice of public health ... - by beverly leipert - 3 citations
parish nurses influencing determinants of health - by rosanne buijs - 4 citations
2. check out cinahl: cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature
best sources of nursing periodicals/articles citations especially prior 2000
free online search at most colleges and nursing school programs. see they've lowered
individual 1 yr price to $20.00.
3. become best buddies with your programs librarian. they can tell you what nursing/ public health publications available at your school and obtain info from other schools lending libraries. also know hidden sources of nursing information and can teach you how to best conduct online searches if their worth their salt.
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
over 4 million topics...Karen you are so helpful!
49 Articles; 5,349 Posts
Great resources, Karen :)
KrysyRN, BSN
289 Posts
I can think of a bunch! How about teens and the rising ate of STDs amongst them? Or teens and pregnancy? Or anything to do with AIDS or drug additions? Or the mentally ill population that doesn't have access to healthcare.
Hope these give you some additional ideas. Good luck! :)
Angie O'Plasty
164 Posts
How about obesity and the things that contribute to it (crummy diet, lack of exercise etc.)? Perhaps childhood obesity, which is unfortunately on the rise...
Yeah, obesity is definitely a good topic, I was just watching a segment on TV about obesity in one of those news shows, I figure I should do that topic. Plus, I saw a lot of articles about it when I searched at a local hospital's library. Thanks for the help, off I go.