Published Nov 1, 2018
296 Posts
It's probably a silly question for most of you, but for those of us new to the field, it's information we need.
I have the typical supplies given to me by the agency - dressing supplies, wound care supplies, gloves, etc. But what else do you find you need frequently or even just occasionally when you're out and about? For example, someone told me to always carry extra batteries for the SAO2 monitor...something I would have never thought of until I was in someones home with dead batteries.
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
BarrelOfMonkeys, BSN, RN
84 Posts
Good question and I believe it's been answered from time to time. I deal mainly with adult psych clients. I carry sugar free candy, def extra batteries, a small published book for the surrounding area for hotline numbers (suicide, etc), extra scissors.
259 Posts
Sure. Depends on the pts you have.
I´ve some urologic cases. So I´ve
catheter flushing with me.
jbudrick, MSN
92 Posts
A mirror to see wounds when the patient can't position for examination, a head lamp, flashlight, a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide/water for accidental carpet stains (like blood), extra pens/sharpies, EMT scissors, shoe covers.
Avill, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 384 Posts
I see a lot of wounds. So I carry the typical stuff I need in case I have a patient with a new wound so I don't have to go back to the office and I can just treat it there.
Gauze, normal saline, xeroform, telfa, kerlix, ABD. Just one of each. Or I keep them in the car.
poko, BSN, RN
78 Posts
I sort of chuckled when I read your post because I also thought to myself that the question “what do you carry in the trunk of your vehicle?” Applies here too lol.
In my bag I carry my blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, pulse oximeter, thermometer, epinephrine and needles, extra pens, paperwork for charts, bandage scissors. Cavi wipes (small packs), alcohol swabs, surgical ear loop masks. Mini flashlight for those difficult catheters or dark homes. A small mirror with a handle to see the backs of legs
Sidenote- I use a skip hop nylon diaper bag has my nursing bag because it has a lot of room and it’s easy to clean and I feel like creepy Crawlies can’t climb into the fabric
Now my trunk is a whole other warehouse of fun. general wound supplies- normal saline, iodine, 4x4s, various dressings, absorbent dressings, some topicals, gauze wrap. IV tubing for gravity and pumps. Foleys... because you never know! Cathartic flushing supplies. IV catheters and supplies. IM/ SC needles. Sharps container. Central line dressing and flush supplies. PPE- booties, yellow gowns,safety glasses, N95. New patient charts. A folding step stool that I bring into peoples houses if they don’t have anywhere clean to sit