What color uniforms for Holmes?


I was just wondering if Holmes requires white uniforms or some other color?

Specializes in medsurg, clinic, nursing home.

Thanks for your response. That makes sense. I should have known since that is the school color.

Uniforms changed last semester to cardinal red pants and white tops.

They are red and white, but which is which? LPN: white top, red pants; RN: Red top, white pants - or the other way 'round? (bookstore lady was not sure....but I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow, and will post)

I don't know about LPN but RN is white top and red pants

Are the colors for uniform still the same for this year (white pant and red top) or is it vise versa?? for LPN I mean??

We had white tops and red pants. It was the same for Goodman and Ridgeland. I heard they might be changing to red on red this year though. When do you have orientation?

oh ok! thanks. I have orientation Monday! so excited!!!!!

Good luck on Monday. It seems like just yesterdayI was sitting at orientation and now I am going to graduate Thursday. It will go by fast. Pretty soon you will be a new nurse.

I sure hope so!! I know you are excited!!!! Thank you for all your help!!! and Congrats again!!!:yeah:

oh ok! thanks. I have orientation Monday! so excited!!!!!

So how was your first semester of nursing school?! :D

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