Published Jul 29, 2012
27 Posts
This would obviously have to be a total opinion piece, but I know there are many nurses on this forum that have already been through the process, and have read stories of other nurses. What do you think my chances are of getting selected for active duty army, this november5th when the boards commence.
Let's say all other things are good, i.e. application, physical, background, education req.
I graduated Nursing school in August 2008 with an ASN gpa 3.9, was liscenced in october 2008, and took a position with a Home healthcare position that same month. I worked pediatric home health care as well as adult.
I then took a position with a major hospital in my area in december 2009. I started charge nursing in july of 2011, and became the assistant nurse manager of my unit in October of 2011, and I have held this position ever since.
I am CMSRN certified still good for 5 more years.
I can get glowing LoR's from all previous supervisors.
I continued school and have one more class for my BSN, I will graduate with a 3.8. I am 27 meet height and weight standards. can pass a PT test today(husband is prior service and has been whipping me into shape).
I have no criminal record, credit rating is above 700 with all three bureaus, and mecially I am fine both physically and mentally.
I know it isnt all the information considered but, I am just trying to put my mind at ease just a little. I know this board is so very competitive. So Hopefully someone out there with experience with these boards can help me out, or at least let me know where they think I stand.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I would say you're very competitive; however, the Army is overstrength in all AOCs, but especially in the area of med/surg nurses (66H). But if they're going to pick someone, why not you? You have experience and the certification to boot. Keep your hopes up!! Good luck. :)
Thanks Lunah, I have that certification but I would love to get the CC specialty course in my orders. One of the reasons I would chose Ft Lewis or Ft Sam as my first duty station for that training. I hope they select me I would love to give them everything I have.
LunahRN I would love to ask you a few things, not sure how to PM on this forum but I have just a few questions for you.
I sent you a PM. You will be able to use the PM function after you have 15 posts. :)
991 Posts
What was your score on the CMSRN. I passed mine in 2006 with a 99%. I have been an RN since 1980; 4.0 GPA, 18years Medical Surgical/Oncology and 10 years Critical care- tele/step down, Post Open Heart Surgery. Awesome
My standardized score was 111, I do not show any percentage score. Just a " Standard score(*): 111 This is your total score expressed as a standardized scale. Nice to hear you have been in so long, you must be looking forward to retirement now. congrats.
Not at 56 years old. In my country retirement age is 65. How about yours.
I also find I prefer to work around nurses my own age, experience and skill level.
I was going to just let this go but decided not to. kcmylorn, to preface this incoming post I want you to know a few things. this thread was for constructive criticism and some pointers which I have already received from a few people in the community (Thanks so much so far LunahRN). It was strictly and very obviously a military question, and more specifically an army question. So when you replied to it, in the manner you did, I assumed you were military. My assumptions came to pass for this reason; you made a chest thumping post touting your scores and all your experience and everything you have done since before I was even born. You never said anything constructive whatsoever, just touting your scores on something and how long you have worked. In your country you can retire after 20 years in the military, hence the retirement question, since I thought you were military. But it turns out from reading your past posts and past threads you have started that you are more of an insecure, puff your chest out type. You are insecure because so many of your threads had to do with age, older nurses being pushed out, or argumentative with different types in the nursing community.
I thought you were maybe just having a bad day, seen a young nurse, asking for some advice after posting my very meager resume', the advice or opinions needed were referring to my chances in the november board for the ANC. Your replied with something completely different. And then I noticed your name. You derailed one of my posts about the Republic of Korea being a first duty choice. You said at first there were no hospitals there and that family members couldnt come. When I corrected you(from personal experience of living in the country with my active duty husband) you became defensive with a wall of text, basically talking down to me like a school child, while supporting my point that you were wrong. At some point you will need to drop that insecurity and just live a happy life. I am not a confrontational type, but it is honestly something I am working on, to be a little more vocal about this type of thing. I think it would best if you just didnt bother derailing any of my threads and try to be constructive, and I will do more to try to avoid anything you post on my threads.
No one is derailing your posts madam, I think it is you who is getting defensive. I mearly tried to give you useful information on the ROK post and the levels of care avail at most of the "Clinic" there to which the tone of your response was less than gracious. You graduate in 2008- well you come off as being a know it all at a very less experienced level in your nursing career.I am not the one with the insecurities. From my experience- and I also come from a military family/ USAF, the officers I have met especially the Squadron commanders, Chief Nursing Officers and SGO's and Wing Commanders not to mention the Clinical Officers- Nurses, NP's and MD's, have a quality about them- graciousness, and respectful, not boasting and full of themselves. they inspired admiration, respect and loyalty by the way they conducted themselves.They had a fitness to wear the rank. Believe me- those non commissioned service members( medics) you wish to work around will quickly recognize the Napoleon complex. Good luch to you
what are you talking about lady? I too have been in a military family. The post that you claim I was boasting, was literally there for someone to tell me if I stood a fighting chance. BTW a know it all? Nothing I stated at all had to do with my nursing knowledge. I asked what the chances of getting ROK for my first duty station and be able to bring my family along, to which you replied that family members couldnt go, I pointed out that, that was wrong. you said they had no hospitals only MTF's I told you that was wrong and it was, and you came at me with a wall of text giving me your definition of hospital. I stated only fact, you were talking from the hip, but had no clue what you were speaking of. I make this post with my very meager credentials, in a very humble way, and in no way bragging, asking what my chances were inthe board, and you acted like a child and posted your credentials your scores, and even summed your post up with the word AWESOME. For a senior, you sure do respond and react like a child. Please discontinue derailing my threads. YOu have no clue what a non commissioned service member or commissioned service member will recognize with me because you do not know me. you hijacked two threads on a forum, claiming to know me better than I do. I was a military spouse myself, and I have also met many many many officers NCO's, junior enlisted and the like, and I know what the are made of, the same stuff my husband and I are made of, and the same stuff you apparently were unable to find in yourself when you were young enough to be useful. good night whoever you are. Remember treat others as you wish to be treated.
100 Posts
kcmylorn: I agree with shighsmith, your resume-flaunting post contributed absolutely ZERO to this thread.
shighsmith: You sound very intelligent; I gather this from not only your impressive resume, but also how articulate your posts are. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I believe that YOU already know you are competitive enough for any military nurse corps. I only say this because I feel someone as smart as yourself (no sarcasm) would know enough to search the history of this board and gather information about previous applicants/competitive requirements enough to know that someone of your standing would do well with any board. If I was wrong, which I might be, and you truly want opinions about your competitive standing, you should know that I feel you would do very well provided that you team up with a recruiter who isn't sloppy (some are!). Although I too am waiting to hear back, for FY2013 *crosses fingers*, my recruiter (who I trust) and many others have told me that I am in strong standing to get selected for FY2013--your resume outshines mine x10.
Good Luck!