What are my chances of getting into nursing school?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I have a 3.0 prerequisite GPA. I was wondering what are my chances of getting into an ADN program. Most schools here in southern California say that the minimum GPA to get into the program is either a 2.0 or 2.5.

I know that nursing is a competitive field and I DO NOT plan on taking a semester off, so I am applying to 8+ schools.

1) Should I be worried about getting into 1 program? Or am I just worrying too much?


2) How many times have you applied to nursing school?

3) What was your GPA?

I have heard as low as 2.8/2.9 getting into nursing depending on the program. If you have a 3.0 you should have a chance, what the chance is I couldn't tell you. I feel you I started back to school with a 2.78, and managed to get it up to 3.25 over all. This is my last chance to improve upon it.

a 3.0 generally gives you a chance with some programs, the most competitive probably not, but most a 2.5 just isn't going to cut it. Still like I said a 3.0 should give you a shot, but I am no expert.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

Keep in mind, in nursing school, a 78% is passing. Even if someone with 2.0 got in, they will likely not be successful because it's Cs and Ds in prereqs that cause a GPA to be that low. As for your situation, I'm not sure. Have you tried contacting their admissions office to ask?

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

1) You can worry if you want. It makes no difference. You will either get in or not.

2) I earned my BSN in 2006. I applied once.

3) 3.7

I want to update my post for anyone out there in the future who runs into the same circumstances as me. Spring 2016 I applied to 10 different schools (Yes this was a big hassle!). I had a 3.0 average for the sciences, a 2.9 overall 75% Teas Test score which was "okay". (I took it as early as possible, before even completing anatomy and didn't study at all, DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!!!.)

Reread the previous line please.

As of right now, I am selected as an alternate at one school, and found out today that I got accepted into another. I was accepted into one of the top nursing community colleges in Southern California. I want to note that they used a different Test for examination (Which I studied two days before the test, bad habits die hard hehe).

Right now I can say I've had such a roller coaster of emotions, from getting Rejection letter left and right, and having to reevaluate my life in all aspects as I was in nursing school purgatory. When I found out I had gotten accepted (Today), I had a feeling of accomplishment that I have felt only a few times in my life.

Anyway, without rambling on, I want to encourage everyone out there who feels that they cannot get in because of x y and z. You know what your goals are, and there are little steps you can take to get where you want to be. If I had stopped one day and said to myself that going to 10 different schools was ridiculous, or getting 3 hours of sleep to do good on the test was just too difficult, I wouldn't be where I am today. So please, don't be discouraged by any circumstance you have. If you are willing and give it your all, you can achieve anything. As cliche that previous sentence was, there is truth to it. All that I ever asked myself to give was my best, even if it was the best I could do at the time; and who could ever ask for more?

So please anyone out there who feels like giving up, I want to personally say to you,

"I've been there maaaaaaan/giiiiirl, I've been theeeeere. Don't give up."

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