What are my chances as an alternate?


Hello everyone,

I just received my letter from USF's nursing school stating that I did not get in for spring 05', but instead I am an alternate. What are my chances of getting in? Has this happened to anyone? And if I don't get in for the Spring, what are my chances for the fall? :o

Specializes in Cardiology.

Every school is different. Do you know how far down you are on the list? Some people drop the program for financial problems, daycare issues, accepted at another school, changed major, etc. So don't give up hope. If you're close to the top of the alternate list, you just may get in. :)


Specializes in CVICU.

I agree! Don't give up hope. Stay positive. You still have a chance to get in. I applied to a school and was flat out denied. Keep in mind that there are way more applicants now and few spaces at the schools so, being an alternate still means you had to have worked hard to achieve your goal of getting accepted...you just have to wait a wee bit longer :)

Specializes in Pediatrics, Nursing Education.

we had 5 of our 15 alternates got in... they all made it through to the end.

just make sure you contact the school and check... the school never bothered to contact our alternates, they all had to call in and remind them.

we had 5 of our 15 alternates got in... they all made it through to the end.

just make sure you contact the school and check... the school never bothered to contact our alternates, they all had to call in and remind them.

Thanks, that's good advice... I'm glad to know I should call them too!

Wish me luck

Contact your school. I was last alternate (I think it was 4th) When I called I was told that one alternate already declined and two who were accepted already changed thier minds as well. Mind you I did not delay in calling!!

I was told that no matter what come to school as scheduled. Because people drop in the first two weeks. And If I missed anytime in the first two weeks then I would not be allowed in. So the Head of the nursing program said to attend faithfully the first two weeks even if I had not gotten in yet. She was quite certain I would get in.

What happened is enough changed their minds before school even started. I guess that is why they choose alternates.

Contact your school. I was last alternate (I think it was 4th) When I called I was told that one alternate already declined and two who were accepted already changed thier minds as well. Mind you I did not delay in calling!!

I was told that no matter what come to school as scheduled. Because people drop in the first two weeks. And If I missed anytime in the first two weeks then I would not be allowed in. So the Head of the nursing program said to attend faithfully the first two weeks even if I had not gotten in yet. She was quite certain I would get in.

What happened is enough changed their minds before school even started. I guess that is why they choose alternates.

Wow, thanks for that info...

You bet I'll be calling! That will be awesome if I get in...Even if I have to harass them....j/k lol :chuckle

Just to let you know I'am a recent graduate of Aug 2004 LVN program and I and my best friend were both alternates. So try not to worry most alternates get in. I have been there so I know it's frustrating but just hang in there..

We had alternates being accepted into my program after classes started. One got in a week after classes started when one girl dropped out. The other woman got in one month into the program. Don't give up hope. All of the alternate students that made it into my program finished. . . I don't think any of them dropped out.

I made two alternate's lists this year. One for an accelerated program, which I didn't get into. The other for a 2-year BSN program at the school I was attending. I was eventually accepted to that one. I was on the list for both schools because my grades were great but I lacked the coveted volunteer experience, which both schools emphasized.

Any way, I knew some of the people who had been accepted. Some of them either failed or chose to pass/fail microbiology and/or phsysiology. Since they couldn't begin in the Fall, I knew my chances of getting in were better. When the grades came out in May, I got the call I was expecting, "We've been successful in opening up more spaces for our Fall 2004 class and were wondering if you were still interested." It felt so good to be able to turn them down.

Don't give up. I know that at least one person who hadn't even made the alternate's list was eventually accepted for the Fall.

Good luck.

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