What is a care plan


Can someone please explain this to me

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Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Are you a student? A nursing plan of care is just what it sounds like. A plan of care based upon assessment of the patient that lead to a standardized nursing diagnosis with a plan of nursing interventions to assist the patient to achieve the measurable nursing goal outcomes. The care plan is routinely re-evaluated to endure goals and interventions are appropriate and progress is being made.

Only diagnosis listed in the current NANDA-I 2012-2014 are acceptable.

There are multiple care plan threads in the nursing student assistance forums.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

thread moved for best response

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.

the care plan is a vital part of the nursing process

it is the part that addresses problems identified during

earlier stages of the process and is scientific in nature in

that the goals need to be measurable, have a deadline, etc.

to put it in a real life situation

let's say my car is about to give out

and i don't have enough money to buy a new one

a " care plan " might look like this

-financial deficit related to car trouble

-get a second job, netting $ 200/week, by Jan. 20, 2014

this very simplified, and of course, nursing care plans use

approved diagnosis

on Jan. 20, you'd go back and evaluate if the goal was met

and if so, buy a Porsche Cayman

Thanks, I'm not a student yet but I will be on Monday

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Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Go to the nursing student assistance or use the search option in the upper right hand corner on every page and type in care plan. You will see tons of information on them......when you have to do one come for help in the student assistance forum!

the care plan is a vital part of the nursing process

it is the part that addresses problems identified during

earlier stages of the process and is scientific in nature in

that the goals need to be measurable, have a deadline, etc.

to put it in a real life situation

let's say my car is about to give out

and i don't have enough money to buy a new one

a " care plan " might look like this

-financial deficit related to car trouble

-get a second job, netting $ 200/week, by Jan. 20, 2014

this very simplified, and of course, nursing care plans use

approved diagnosis

on Jan. 20, you'd go back and evaluate if the goal was met

and if so, buy a Porsche Cayman

What this poster meant to say was: Car trouble related to (caused by) financial deficit/no regular maintenance, as evidenced by declining gas mileage, squealing brake pads, and consuming oil at accelerated rate.

Plan: Take public transportation until safety can be assured. Arrange for deferred maintenance; priority: brakes, cylinders, carburetor. Obtain part-time job to pay for this work.

We seem to have a lot of automotive-related metaphors going around lately!

Esme is right-- there is a huge load of useful info on care planning in the student nurse forum. See you there!

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