WGU So Cal August Cohort

Nursing Students Western Governors


I just submitted my application for the August cohort. I will be coming from San Diego, so will do my clinicals [presumably] in Orange County. If you're applying for August in So Cal, feel free to pop in and commiserate. :)

I just submitted my August app! So stressed!! Stats: gpa=3.74, teas=96.7 (100 on reading, 100 on writing), emt cert, 18 months experience volunteering at the Ucla smh and rr ER, newly hired EMT at a detox.

Wow, your stats are awesome. You'll get in for sure. Mine are less than stellar. TEAS: 84.7% (very little sleep the night before. Retaking in a month), 4.0 science GPA. I've been an LVN for almost 4 years. I've submitted everything but still waiting for my CLEP scores to populate. It's been almost a month. Still says, "Expected". I called the school and the girl on the other end says that they're just waiting for the paper transcripts. I'm not holding my breath for admittance into the August cohort. I know my TEAS score won't cut it.

I'm sure you'll do better with sleep! I used the teas study app. Also the practice tests are helpful!

Specializes in ICU.

The latest update I have regarding August:

- April cohort was cancelled, including those students who had been admitted

- The applicant pool for August will consist of April applicants, as well as applicants who have applied directly for August

- There will be two cohorts of 8-10 students starting in August

- One cohort will be at Huntington Memorial in Pasadena, the other I am not sure

Anyone else in So Cal anxiously waiting? August cohort apps closed May 1st. Should hear in early June.

Anyone else in So Cal anxiously waiting? August cohort apps closed May 1st. Should hear in early June.

Yep. Stressing! What are your stats?

Yep. Stressing! What are your stats?

Which stats do you want to know? I am an older student with a grad degree already. I don't remember my ugrad gpa -- 3.8ish?

Specializes in ICU.
Yep. Stressing! What are your stats?

I was accepted into the April cohort before it was cancelled and I had my offer rescinded and my application thrown back into the pile. I had:

TEAS Overall - 90.7%

TEAS Reading - 91.5%

Overall GPA - 3.36

Prerequisite GPA - 3.72

Healthcare Experience - ER volunteer, EMT-B license, Patient Care Tech on nursing floor at major hospital, 911 EMT ambulance experience

Other Experience - Military veteran, police officer, AHA BLS Instructor, state certified emergency medical instructor for law enforcement

Letters of Rec - charge nurse (also a nursing instructor), science professor

Whether that'll be enough to get in for August, I don't know...Just for what it's worth....

Which stats do you want to know? I am an older student with a grad degree already. I don't remember my ugrad gpa -- 3.8ish?

Oh I think WGU only looks at micro, anatomy and physiology for gpa and teas numerically! :).

That's great!!! You have such awesome experience. Our gpas are pretty much the same and I think your experience trumps my slightly higher teas!!! Who knows, maybe we'll study together!!!

Specializes in ICU.
That's great!!! You have such awesome experience. Our gpas are pretty much the same and I think your experience trumps my slightly higher teas!!! Who knows, maybe we'll study together!!!

Thanks, best of luck to you. I'm still in the process with WGU but already accepted a seat at a different ABSN program and will likely attend that program, even if I get into WGU, since WGU has been such a rollercoaster for me. Refer to the WGU April thread if you're not sure what I'm talking about.

Specializes in ICU.

From what I have been told from an authoritative source at WGU, there are two cohorts for August at different partner hospitals. I would only imagine WGU would put you in the cohort with the closest facility to your residence.

Thanks, best of luck to you. I'm still in the process with WGU but already accepted a seat at a different ABSN program and will likely attend that program, even if I get into WGU, since WGU has been such a rollercoaster for me. Refer to the WGU April thread if you're not sure what I'm talking about.

Ya no I have heard about everything. I'm still totally set on wgu though. If I don't do wgu I'll probably just do the entry level masters at UCLA.

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