Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello all,

Who else is applying to the MSN Entry level 2016? I've decided to create this thread as I have not seen any new threads for 2016 start date.

I have not heard anything as well. I applied for the Post Masters FNP and was told that decisions would be made the last week of April (which is this week). Crossing my fingers, toes, etc!!

Good to know. Hopefully we would hear back by next week. I'm so nervous!

Contacted Admissions counselor this week and they said pending final decisions still. An e-mail and letters would be out next week

Don't feel discouraged! Even being accepted we still have had like 0 communication. Mostly just a link and a task list to do but nothing else! Keep your hopes up and hope you guys get in!

Hey guys! I just called about my admissions status and nothing's changed. The admissions counselor told me that there has not been people turning down their admissions, and that usually people withdraw during the months of June and July!

I received email notice that my status is on "hold" at this point, and that I would be updated each month on the final decision. Also,the wait list is ranked which is not disclosed.

I received email notice that my status is on "hold" at this point, and that I would be updated each month on the final decision. Also,the wait list is ranked which is not disclosed.

I'm still waiting :( How do you know it's ranked? If I don't get in I'll be attending CSU SM for their absn.

I haven't gotten a status email either í ½í¸

I emailed the admissions counselor back to clarify what it my "hold" status meant. They said that it's basically a ranked waiting list, and they don't disclose the rankings on the list. They would update students as spots open up.

Did anyone hear any good news yet? A lot of us are still getting financial portion squared away.. I am sure there will some people who cant make it work.. Keep hanging on!

So far I have gotten no response since sending in my wait-list acceptance letter back. I kind of want to email them asking hows my prospect of getting in is but I'm also reluctant to. I feel that they have already been receiving too much emails already asking the same questions. I live in Pomona, so i hope the tuition and housing cost of Western pushes people away. I know its a bad thing to hope for but yeah... :nailbiting:

Oh im sure that will happen! lol... The cost alone is sticker shock for many. However, my argument is that its similar to other programs that are comparable. I am also doing funding through programs that give service commitment. Hopefully, that occurs, and one less burden to worry about!

I still haven't heard anything back since submitting my wait-list either :\ and no letters regarding any type of holds.

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