Well this sucks..


So basically i am on here to vent & get some advice...my college experience just went from bad to worse :uhoh3: bare with me, just need to fill in my past history.

so i started at my college with a BSN major. i took all my gen-eds, prereqs, and pre-nursing courses before i could apply to the program. i applied to the program and was rejected due to a stupid miscommunication in the application. Basically we were told it would take a few months after turning in our applications to find out if we got in the program or not but that all our vaccinations had to be up-to-date by Aug 8th or something like that. so i had all vaccines up to date except i had to wait for a Hep B titer to come back and it was going to take a few weeks...thinking I had until August 8th, I got the results but put off turning it in because I was working a job and then was going on vacation. As soon as I got back from vacation in the beginning of July I was going to turn in the final paperwork. Unfortunately, on the way home from my vacation my parents called and said my letter had came from the BSN program..I asked them to open it because I was so excited only to find that I was rejected due to an incomplete application (because the Hep B wasn't in there). Confused, I made some calls only to find that the Aug 8th date only applied to TB skin tests that were going to expire and people doing the last round of the Hep b vaccine, I was told to apply again the next semester. So I applied again in October for the BSN and ADN programs at my school just to be safe. I found out 3 days before school started for the following semester that I was rejected from the BSN program AGAIN but was accepted into the ADN program. Naturally, I went with the ADN program just because I was so tired of wasting time. Plus, I could finish my ADN and do an ADN to BSN program faster than just waiting to get accepted into the BSN. So i passed my first semester of the ADN program last semester. Over the summer I have been waiting around to hear from my financial aid about my loans for the upcoming semester. I happened to be looking on my online college account only to find I had been denied financial aid for the upcoming semester because I had too many credit hours for an ADN degree. They do not take into consideration the fact that I was originally a 4-year degree but HAD to change because I wasn't accepted into the program of my first choice. So if you are switching from a 4-year to a 2 year degree, naturally you would already have more credit hours than normal. My parents are not extremely wealthy people and I have 2 brothers in college now, in addition to myself so money is not coming easy for them. Therefore, we depend on fiancial aid and loans to pay for my school. Without the loans, I can't go. So i was told to fill out this compliated form and write a letter stating my situation and case to see if I can appeal the decision. So I did all of this and was told 2 days ago that I was approved for financial aid. I was ecstatic because now I am able to finish my degree. Unfortunately, today I recieved a letter stating the terms for which I was approved for my loans. Basically, I can ONLY take my final nursing classes and no other additional classes...any classes I was previously signed up for that aren't my final 6 nursing courses I must drop (as I have already completed all gen-eds and pre-reqs for my degree) and I can only take each of my last nursing class one time...if I fail a class, they won't pay anymore. Normally I wouldnt be worried about that but in the nursing program I KNOW how hard it is to pass...the grading scale is different, the classes are more intense, any slip-up on my part can put the past 4 years to waste. I can't fail anything or I'm out for good because financial aid will refuse me the rest of my time at my school ( I have 3 semester left including this one). I am terrified now because the pressure is on. I have never been in a situation like this...I know a lot of this run-around is my fault but I wish I were given more of a chance. I think that giving a student no room for error is a lot to ask of a person. Even nursing schools will accept students who have failed out...but what comes down to it is if you don't have the resources to pay for it then you are **** out of luck (sorry for the language :)) it is just sooooo frustrating that I have been through SO MUCH just to get into the nursing program but now I have to constantly struggle and worry just to stay in. Any words of encouragment? Now that I am only allowed to take nursing classes the rest of the program (8 hours this coming semester, 10 hours next semester, and 11 hours my last semester) then I should be able to focus my attention on those classes and should be able to pass...I just worry that I will be one of those cases where you fail about a point. I would literally die :( Sorry for rambling on I am just an emoitional wreck right now...I THINK i can pass all my classes the first time around but I can't say for sure. Help :crying2:

Specializes in ER, ICU, Education.

I would work like mad in the summers to get a financial cushion, and see if there are any programs in your area through hospitals where they pay for your schooling for a year in exchange for a work commitment. It would take a lot of pressure of you and could help your future job opportunities.

Nursing school is pure stress end of story. It's something that is so hard and congrats on doing well last semester. Just remember that others are in the same situation as you with financial aid and student loans. I know that if it weren't for student loans and financial aid I wouldn't be able to attend school. At the University I go to you have 1 chance in Nursing school. No do overs, no make ups ETC. If we fail a class our financial aid is over. If we get less than a 76 in any Nursing class we can say goodbye to the program. If you really want this, you will succeed. Never tell yourself you can't and just remember there are many others in your same boat who are striving to succeed at Nursing School!

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

Having that many credits under your belt shows you've learned to study and do well. You've already made it through your first nursing classes! You are really not likely to fail, you are already succeeding! You can do it! :yeah:

I actually know how you feel, I had a situation like this with my school. I was listed as a probationary nursing student because in my program all pre-nursing students are listed as that and you have to put in a change of major form to fix it. So I put in for my major to be changed to nursing. Well turns out that the nursing dept put me down as a nursing student in the Fall 10 semester and not for the Spring 10 semester so when my financial aid came in March it looked as if I was still an underclared student since probationary nursing isn't a major and I had 62 credits so I lost one of my grants. I owed the school 2500 out of pocket and it's been hard but I've been paying it. I considered just quitting nursing because my parents are struggling enough without this 2500 debt. Still paying it off but I'm going to finish this degree off.

You need to relax. You need to take the previous advice given and work your rear off during school break to save money for your last semester(s), just in case. And do not put any more on your worry plate than you already have. Passing your nursing classes is more than enough to worry about. Do not create unnecessary stress.

You're really not giving yourself much credit. You've made it this far -- why are you worried about failing now? I understand that it may feel like a lot of pressure, but in many nursing programs if you fail a class, you're out. This is the case in my program. My program: unexcused absence (class/clinical/lab) = fail the class = dropped out of the program. If I were to dwell on the pressure of this reality, I would go crazy!

You have a lot to be happy about: you got into a program, got your financial aid back, and have 1 semester of nursing school done. Congrats on all of your accomplishments, you will do great. :up:

Your post is a little hard to read. Next time, please break it into paragraphs. Thanks.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Don't borrow trouble. Show some faith in yourself. Failure is not an option; truth is, it probably would not have been an option in your mind anyway. Having this stated on paper by financial aid does nothing you would not have already done for yourself. Someone else saying it doesn't jinx you into it happening.

Just dot your I's, cross your T's, put the same effort into nursing school that you put into your past classes and a little more than you put into your initial application ( ;) ). You will do fine.

Nursing school is enough stress in and of itself. Stop fretting and just put your head down and work hard.

I second the idea of looking for a scholarship in exchange for a work agreement. It is a nice cushion.

Thank you all for the kind words & encouragement!

I know i just need to put in the work and it will all pay off.

I think RN2BDFW made a good point- just because financial aid put it into writing doesn't mean that it changes what I would have done anyway...I ALREADY knew I didn't want to fail a course..I already knew I was going to try my best to get through this program & only I am in control of this. If I try and put in my time, I will succeed...there are no other options for me :)

Thanks again!

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