Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey y'all ! I am setting up a forum for Fall 2022 applicants. Also anyone who's in the program please come share your experience with us. 

3 hours ago, jlombo44 said:

No, @Julies11981 but I'm checking often this week... I understand Friday to be the deadline but who knows? 

Oh, they have a deadline to give notice by? I didn’t know that.

Specializes in nursing.

@Mcdanb I was told in late March that this Friday was the deadline. So that is the case as far as I know unless they've extended that again. But this information was given after the application extension so I think it's still the case. I have not spoken to an advisor again to confirm, however. 

Another post on here last week said an advisor told them within two weeks and that was a Wednesday I believe. So in that case, the latest would be next Wednesday. Either way, we should know very soon. By week end of this week or the middle of next week I think. 

I'm just ready to know. Let's go! ???

Wow...still haven't heard anything. 

Anyone hear anything back yet? I just found this thread because I’m stressing since I haven’t heard anything lmao. 

Specializes in nursing.

Nothing yet. So unfortunate. ?

Out of curiosity how many points did y’all have when applying because I’m stressing and feel like I’m not high enough. 

It’s pretty competitive. I had 32 points, and the last time I applied I didn’t get in with 30 points. Haven’t heard anything but just going on what the advisor told me we should have some news by the end of this week

I *think* I have somewhere around 38 points. By the end of this Summer I’ll have all of my BSN pre-reqs done with the exception of the nursing courses obviously. I have heard it’s very competitive and to shoot for 32.

That’s great! You should get in easily with 38 points! I have all of my BSN pre reqs as well but don’t test well, so I didn’t do as well as I would’ve liked on the TEAS test. Fingers crossed ?? 

Fingers crossed for you too!!

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