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About jlombo44

jlombo44 specializes in nursing.

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  1. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    Here is the main campus facebook group link if anyone wants that- https://www.facebook.com/groups/762358311610685/?ref=share Congratulations again everyone! I'm so proud of us! We did it!
  2. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    @The Future NursingAdvo, Weatherford Main campus! Is this the same one as you?
  3. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    I also got the email for the fast track! I'm so excited!! Congratulations all. ❤️❤️❤️
  4. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    OMG really?? I thought for certain tomorrow we would hear. Thank you for sharing , though... It's nice to know when to expect things.
  5. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    Hopefully tomorrow is the day! 🙏🏻
  6. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    Did you guys see the Covid vaccine post on the ADN page of Weatherford's website? I think perhaps that might be what is slowing the process of selection down. Weatherford does not require the vaccine for students, but many of the partnered health f...
  7. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    I *think* I have max points possible, because I live in Parker county, scored exemplary on my TEAS, and have all my BSN track courses complete with a 3.98 GPA. I was planning on doing UTA's AOBSN program and got accepted, but they wanted me to...
  8. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    Nothing yet. So unfortunate. 🙈
  9. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    @Mcdanb I was told in late March that this Friday was the deadline. So that is the case as far as I know unless they've extended that again. But this information was given after the application extension so I think it's still the case. I have not spo...
  10. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    No, @Julies11981 but I'm checking often this week... I understand Friday to be the deadline but who knows?
  11. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    @allisa ford do you mean that they told you've that they have extended their deadline by 4 weeks? Why were we not informed of this by email is my question? According to what I was told when I submitted my app, they had 8 weeks. Today i...
  12. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    @allisa ford I know! I'm trying not to be impatient but I expected to know by now, so it's definitely not easy to keep waiting and day after day no email... I did get confirmation of my courses taken received but nothing since then. They only have ...
  13. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    @The Future NursingAdvo of course, I am a non-traditional student, being a 34 year old female with three kiddos. I had my oldest young and spent those next 12 years taking care of him and my next two little ones. Now that they are all in school, I ...
  14. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    @The Future NursingAdvo I am glad I was able to help you catch that! I was expecting contact to go to my Weatherford email account, but this came to my personal. I sent mine back. It was just filling in name, student ID, courses taken (year and te...
  15. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2022

    Anyone else get the email last night about submitting the courses taken pdf? I was hoping for admissions decisions, but hopefully that still means they will come soon! Waiting is the worst. I'm not patient. 😜