I am still fairly new to where I am working. I wanted to study and pass the exam for a certification in the field I am working in. But a friend from school (who also is in nursing) stated that was a waste of time. Stating that "what is the use of extra certifications/licenses if you don't have the knowledge/skills/experience to back it up? People just like the certifications b/c it makes their resumes looks good or they can boast to others about it to make themselves look better."
I understand her reasoning but I can't agree with it. But I'm fairly still new and inexperienced my in own skills/experiences so I can't argue with her standpoint.
I understand her point. I plan on staying in my position for years to come, and I understand if you would compare me at five years of experience vs a new grad with zero experience but with an extra certification in that same field, I understand my 5 year experience looks better than a certification with no experience at all....
However. How can I response to that? She stated "Then what's the point of pursuing a med surg certification? Just work in med surg and gain experience/skills that way! Or what's the point of getting a end of life certification or oncology or rehab or women's health or so and so certification? "
We recently had someone hired into management position bc she had her MSN in that area (before she was floor nurse). My friend even said "What good is her MSN? She has zero experience and doesn't know what she's doing anyways."
I explained that school and experience is different and nobody knows everything when they're just hired anyways! But my friend is not convinced. She even thinks membership to nursing associations is a waste of time and money too. I wanted to do ACLS but she stated "you don't need ACLS where you work so why do it? Just do normal BLS." :/
I was excited to start studying for a certification in my field (the test itself is $300-400, $100s of studying material, months of studying/effort) but I wanted to do it. But now my friend said this, it dimmed my excitement and now I question myself I wanted to sit for this test.
I understand her reasoning but I can't agree with it. But I'm fairly still new and inexperienced my in own skills/experiences so I can't argue with her standpoint. I want to do this certification (not just to put on my resume) but to learn more specifically the details/skills of the field I am working in in hopes to boost my knowledge and strengthen my skills (to an extent).