So I had a kid in at about 1 hour before dismissal today, who had a headache since recess. Which was about 1 hour prior. He casually mentioned that he was on the swing at recess and he hit another kid. No head bump, just his body on the swing hit another kid who was standing. I gave motrin for the headache and let him sit for a little while. The motrin was not working 30 minutes later, so I started asking concussion questions. He was alert and had no real symptoms, except something felt strange to me. But he's a bit of a strange kid. I wrote my assessment down and left mom a voicemail. She's an ER nurse locally so I was thinking she would not only understand my notes, but also feel comfortable assessing kid later. She never called back and I ended up letting the kid go at dismissal, but now I'm questioning myself.
Did I royally mess this up? My other thought was dehydration since it was quite warm today and he looked red in the face. But still.