Published Jul 12, 2015
2 Posts
since i can remember ive wanted to be a nurse from talking about your future in middle school, taking health professions in high school to giving my time to help people. i hate needles i know GET OVER IT but at this point taking care of people is my passion and by heart i know i will be great. i know if i dont start now its just gonna take more time later i wanna start now so i can enjoy my career in the next few years what is it that pushed you or things you know now that you wished you knew when you started anything will help and i cant wait for a response from anyone haha thank you!
421 Posts
I say this with respect, but punctuation please. I had a hard time reading this until I started breaking it up.
However, I'm still confused slightly.
First off, why do you think you want to be a nurse? What drove you to think about nursing as a possible career choice?
Everyone chooses nursing for a variety of reasons. Job security, flexible schedule, the ones who call it a "calling", portability, and the fact that nursing doesn't stop at the bedside. There's a multitude of things you can do with a nursing degree.
So, what made you seek nursing as a potential career option?
PS: I hate needles too. But I have no problem giving shots and starting IVs
256 Posts
I actually posted my little story. I don't know how to link it, but it's in the developmental disabilities section.
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
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We moved your thread to the Pre-Nursing forum for the best response.
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
First, your post is difficult to read. Please use proper punctuation and proper capitalization. There are also run on sentences. It may look Ok to you, but it is hard for us to read. For a short text message it is Ok, but on a website it makes it difficult to read.
You need to do some research. Look at the different options in nursing and pick the career path you want. Then you need to research the colleges in your area. Pick one that is accredited. Stay away from the for profit schools. Then you need to set up appts with advisors at these schools and see what is required to get into the different programs. I have no idea where you live and what your life is like. But you need to pick a program that also best suits your needs. There are many to choose from. I'm not sure when you are wanting to start but I know fall semester is just right around the corner so if I were you, I would google away!!
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
Since you're asking for pointers.....first thing I'd have to say would be to work on English and grammar skills. Perhaps you are new to online forums and just don't realize that the only thing we have to "go on" for you is what you type. YOU, essentially, are what and how you write. And it looks to me like you have a LOONG way to go to prepare for a nursing career.
Competition for enrollment is pretty fierce over most of the US. Excellent TEAS scores, very high GPA on pre-requisite coursework, and weighty recommendations along with application essays, etc weed out MANY a "passionate" person when it comes to placement in a nursing program.
Take a look at the requirements for admission to the school you are most interested in attending. Then look at a half dozen more, and see what you'd need to do in order to be considered a viable candidate for admission.
Being an excellent student as well as having drive and dedication will see you through. Less than that....not so much.
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